
  • 网络Fly to New York;NYC
  1. 我飞往纽约时经常乘同公司的飞机。

    When I fly to New York I always use the same airline .

  2. 我们中间有四人将飞往纽约。

    Four of us will fly to New York .

  3. 他们在从伦敦飞往纽约的飞机上。

    They were on a plane flying from London to New York .

  4. 她急着去赶飞往纽约的红眼航班。

    She was running to catch a red-eye to New York

  5. 飞往纽约的班机取消了。

    The flight to New York was cancelled .

  6. 他取道上海飞往纽约。

    He flew to New York via Shanghai .

  7. 这架飞机在飞往纽约途中从旧金山上空经过。

    The airplane went over San Francisco on its way to new york .

  8. 最近,在一次从伦敦飞往纽约的八小时航班上,LadyGaga的腿由于裤子太紧而开始肿胀。

    Recently on an eight hour flight from London to New York , Lady Gaga 's legs began to swell due to the restrictive clothing she wore on board .

  9. 几年前,在从洛杉矶飞往纽约的飞机上,奥斯卡和一家加州公司的CFO隔着通道相邻而坐,后者的公司刚刚首发上市。

    On a flight from LA to New York a few years ago , Oscar was seated across the aisle from the CFO of a California company that had just gone public .

  10. 请注意,飞往纽约的飞机即将起飞。

    The plane for New York is about to take off .

  11. 他们在从伦敦飞往纽约的飞机上。

    They were on a plane flying fro London to new york .

  12. 他因机位被挤掉而未能乘上飞往纽约的班机。

    He was bumped from a flight to new york .

  13. 飞往纽约的一班机旅客。

    A flight load of passengers destined for new york .

  14. 下一班飞往纽约的班机什么时候起飞?

    When does the next plane leave for New York ?

  15. 她又要乘喷气式飞机飞往纽约。

    She 's jetting off to New York again .

  16. 嘿,我今天要飞往纽约。

    Sam : Hi , I am flying back to New York today .

  17. 这架飞机从莫斯科飞往纽约。

    The plane flies from Moscow to New York .

  18. 代表团由伦敦飞往纽约。

    The delegation flew from London to New York .

  19. 他赶上九点钟飞往纽约的班机。

    He caught the nine-o'clock shuttle to New York .

  20. 另两张是本周五飞往纽约的102次航班。

    The other two are on Flight 102 for New York this Friday .

  21. 请问,有飞往纽约的航班吗?

    Can you tell me if there 's a flight to new york ?

  22. 他要飞往纽约,在艾尔史密斯晚餐上发表讲话。

    He 's flying to new york , speaking at the Al Smith dinner .

  23. 欢迎乘坐飞往纽约的6240班机

    Welcome aboard Flight 6240 to New York .

  24. 从北京飞往纽约要多久?

    A : How long will it take to fly from Beijing to New York ?

  25. 在我们飞往纽约的班机上,女乘务员给我们送来了一餐热饭菜。

    On the flight to New York , the stewardesses served us a hot meal .

  26. 我想要订从西雅图飞往纽约的班机。

    I 'd like to book a flight from Seattle to New York , please .

  27. 也许飞机是飞往纽约的某个机场。

    Because he may be trying to head for one of the New York airports .

  28. 他们想见你,你可以飞往纽约,做点生意。

    They wanna meet with you , fly you to new york , talk some business .

  29. 我下周四早晨8点乘坐中国国际航空公司的航班飞往纽约。

    I will be leaving for New York at8:00 on Thursday morning by flight of Air China .

  30. 还有一月二十号飞往纽约的经济舱的位子吗?

    Do you have any economy seats available on the flight to New York on January twentieth ?