
  • 网络Wildflowers;Wild Flower
  1. 黄河游览区的野生花卉资源

    Resources of wild flowers on the Huanghe river 's tourist area

  2. 早春野生花卉组织培养研究初报

    Preliminary study on the tissue culture of early spring wild flowers

  3. 宁夏野生花卉及观赏树木资源调查及利用

    Investigation on Wild Flower and Plant Resources in Ningxia , China

  4. 北京山区野生花卉资源及开发利用

    The Wild Flower Resources in Beijing Mountain Area and Their Development

  5. 伏牛山几种多年生野生花卉资源及其园林应用

    Investigation and landscaping application of perennial wild flowers in Funiu mountains

  6. 野生花卉种质资源的开发利用

    Discussion and Suggestions on Exploiture about Germplasm Resources of Wilding Flowers

  7. 黄山野生花卉种质资源及其利用的研究

    Germplasm Resource of Wild Flowers of Mt. Huangshan and Its Utilization

  8. 北京山区野生花卉调查分析

    On Investigation and Analysis about Wild Flowers in Beijing Mountain Area

  9. 百花山野生花卉资源丰富,有华北“天然植物园”之称。

    There are abundant wild flower resources in Baihua mountain .

  10. 四平郊区野生花卉资源调查报告

    An investigation of resource of wild flowers in Siping suburbs

  11. 甘肃十五种野生花卉物候观测

    Phenology Observation on 15 Species of Gansu ' wild Flowers

  12. 汾河源头野生花卉资源调查及利用与保护对策

    The Wild Flower Resources in Fenhe Source and Their Utilization and Protection

  13. 黑龙江省早春野生花卉种质资源引种观察

    Germplasm Resources of Early Spring Wild Flowers and Plants in Heilongjiang Province

  14. 最后探讨了野生花卉植物引种栽培的应用前景。

    Finally , applied prospects of domesticating wild ornamental plants are researched .

  15. 河南百合科野生花卉植物资源及观赏评价

    Wild Flower Plant Resources of Liliaceae in Henan and Their Ornamental Evaluation

  16. 黑龙江省野生花卉侧金盏引种初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Introduction of Adonis amurensis in Heilongjiang Province

  17. 北京山区野生花卉的资源及其主要应用类型

    Application Value and Main Types of Wild Flowers in Beijing Mountain Area

  18. 华南野牡丹科野生花卉种质资源的收集和繁殖

    Collection and Propagation of Wild Flower Plants in Melastomataceae of South China

  19. 中国北方野生花卉种质资源研究现状

    Research situation of wild flowers germplasm resources in the north of China

  20. 云南野生花卉数据库的建立及应用

    Establishment and Application of Wild Ornamental Plants Database in Yunnan

  21. 野生花卉的引种驯化(五)

    The Introduction and Cultivation of Wild Flowers ( 5 )

  22. 云南丽江的野生花卉资源及开发利用

    The Wild Flower Resources in Lijiang Yunnan and Their Exploitation and Utilization

  23. 促进4种野生花卉种子萌发的方法研究

    Study Promoting Seed Germination Ways to 4 Wild Flower Species

  24. 可供开发利用的江西野生花卉资源

    The resource of wild flowers in Jiangxi which can be exploited and utilized

  25. 吉林省野生花卉资源的利用

    The utilization of wild flower resources in Jilin Province

  26. 几种野生花卉丛枝菌根发育状况的研究

    Study on natural development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in several species of wild flowers

  27. 广东山区兰科植物的野生花卉资源

    Natural flower resources of orchids in Guangdong mountain area

  28. 黑龙江省野生花卉资源及在城市绿化中的应用现状

    Wild flower utilize current on urban afforestation Heilong Jiang

  29. 山西珍稀野生花卉种质资源与利用

    Study of the Value and Rare Wild Flower Resources in Shanxi and Utilization

  30. 广西野生花卉资源的研究

    Study on the resources of wild flowers in Guangxi