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  • Glutinous oil rice;stir-fried rice
  1. 配搭嘎嘣脆豆芽,吃一口芳香四溢的油饭,所有的味道都汇集在一起了。

    With crunchy bean sprouts , the fragrant , oily rice brings all the flavours together .

  2. 黑胡椒汁覆盖香烤鸡块,配有油饭和新鲜田园沙拉。

    Grilled chicken smothered with black pepper sauce , served with butter rice and fresh garden salad .

  3. 串烤腌制鸡肉、洋葱、青椒和蘑菇,配有油饭和新鲜田园沙拉。

    Marinated chicken skewered with Bombay onion , green pepper and mushroom , served with butter rice and fresh garden salad .

  4. 你早饭要吃奶油鱼蛋饭吗?

    Would you like kedgeree for berakfast ?

  5. 吃的是豌豆饭,菜花,红薯饭,杂粮饭,把菜籽榨出的油放在饭里做调料,这种地主富人家看也不看的饭食,母亲却能做得使一家吃起来有滋味。

    We ate rice cooked with peas , vegetables , sweet potatoes or coarse grain , and all seasoned with rapeseed oil - food which landlords and rich people would scorn to eat . Nevertheless , mother 's cooking was done so well that everybody ate with gusto .

  6. 椰子油能防止冷饭粘在一起,也会促使米饭中产生更多的抗酶解淀粉,从而进一步减少卡路里的数量。

    The coconut oil stops the cold rice from sticking together , and also seems to produce more resistant starch in the rice , further reducing the number of calories .