
zhǔ ɡōnɡ
  • [addressing a ruler] Your Majesty;My Lord
  • Your Majesty
主公 [zhǔ gōng]
  • [Your Majesty] 古时臣称呼君

  1. 主公,此战不可打。

    My lord , this is not the time to fight .

  2. 当刀刃陷进他的颈项,修突然尖叫出来,说是你,法师,是你杀死了我们的主公。

    When the blade sank into his neck , Hugh screamed out that it was you , Magicka , who killed my lord .

  3. 老主公怎么了?死了吗?

    What happened to the great lord ? Ls he dead ?

  4. 少了主公的归途会很悲伤。

    It will be a sad march home without our lord .

  5. 主公则永远在后面观战。

    And the Lord is always behind them , watching over them .

  6. 我没把你主公弄伤吧?

    I hope I didn 't hurt your Lord .

  7. 主公从不做这种下流的动作。

    The late Lord never acted so vulgar .

  8. 两天前他的主公死去以来他都没有睡过。

    He had not slept since the death of his lord two nights previous .

  9. 那是已故主公的旗帜。

    That banner represents your late father .

  10. 其实我不是信玄主公。

    I am not Lord shingen .

  11. 主公是个牙齿全部脱落褐色过肩长发慵懒披散的老人。

    Master is a toothless old man , grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders .

  12. 再说已故的主公非常直率。

    The late Lord was straightforward .

  13. 当战士们整队走回他们主公的明堂里的时候,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?

    When the warriors marched back again to their master 's hall where did they hide their power ?

  14. 当战士们从他们主公的明堂里刚走出来,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?

    When the warriors came out first from their master 's hall , where had they hid their power ?

  15. 他们显得无助、可怜,当他们从他们主公的明堂走出的那一天,如雨的箭矢向着他飞射。

    They looked poor and helpless , and the arrows were showered upon them on the day they came out from their master 's hall .

  16. 因子分析结果经四次方最大正交旋转和结合碎石图,提取前5个因子为主公因子。

    The combination of factor analysis results by the fourth power of the orthogonal rotation and gravel map , extract the first five factors the main common factor .

  17. 和平在他们的额上放光,当他们整队走回他们主公的明堂的那一天,他们把他们生命的果实留在后面了。

    peace was on their foreheads , and they had left the fruits of their life behind them on the day they marched back again to their master 's hall .

  18. 当战士们整队走回他们主公的明堂里的时候,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?他们放下了刀剑和弓矢;

    When the warriors marched back again to their master 's hall where did they hide their power ? They had dropped the sword and dropped the bow and the arrow ;

  19. 但是当晚在院子里的人们不但对被害主公深怀敬仰,对主公喜爱关怀的也大有人在。谁都满怀快意看到杀人犯悲惨的死去。

    But all those in the courtyard that night had either admired or actually been fond of their murdered liege lord , and it was going to be a distinct pleasure for them to see his killer die horribly .

  20. 通过分析三部作品中的女主公的生存状态以及这个荒谬世界对人类,尤其是女性的影响,笔者认为人类可以通过自由选择和承担相应的责任获得精神自由,最终发现自己的存在意义。

    Through analyzing the protagonists ' existence and exploring how the absurd world exerts influences on human beings , especially on women , the writer holds that human beings can get spiritual freedom and the meaning of existence through making free choices and taking corresponding responsibilities .