
  1. 于是全体军队集合,齐上熙雍山。

    And all the army assembled together , and they went up into mount Sion .

  2. 因为熙雍山已经荒芜,狐狸成群出没其间。

    For mount Sion , because it is destroyed , foxes have walked upon it .

  3. 王的军队直开往耶路撒冷,攻打他们,王便面对犹太和熙雍山安营。

    But the king 's army went up against them to Jerusalem : and the king 's army pitched their tents against Judea and mount Sion .

  4. 然而你们却接近了熙雍山和永生天主的城,天上的耶路撒冷,接近了千万天使的盛会。

    But you are come to mount Sion , and to the city of the living God , the heavenly Jerusalem , and to the company of many thousands of angels .

  5. 那时他们也重修熙雍山,在周围建起高墙和巩固的碉楼,免得异民再来,像从前一样蹂躏。

    They built up also at that time mount Sion , with high walls , and strong towers round about , lest the Gentiles should at any time come , and tread it down as they did before .

  6. 那时,月亮要脸红,太阳要羞惭,因为万军的上主要在熙雍山上,要在耶路撒冷为王,在他的长老面前要备受颂扬。

    And the moon shall blush , and the sun shall be ashamed , when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Sion , and in Jerusalem , and shall be glorified in the sight of his ancients .

  7. 在诺布暂停一天,遂即挥手指向熙雍女儿山,耶路撒冷的山岗。

    It is yet day enough , to remain in Nobe : he shall shake his hand against the mountain of the daughter of Sion , the hill of Jerusalem .