
  1. 杂交茎芥菜干物质和磷积累转运规律研究

    A study on the rule of accumulation and transfer of dry matter and phosphorus in stem mustard hybrid

  2. 我加工厂大量销售野生蕨菜干,小山竹笋干,芥菜干,霉干菜,长豆角干。

    I plant a large number of sales of wild fern stem , shoot dry hills , dry mustard , molded dried vegetable , long beans dry .

  3. 芥菜半干腌制发酵过程中乳酸菌的分离及特性研究

    Study on the Isolation and Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria from the Natural Fermentation of Pickling Mustard

  4. 我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、杯芥菜和干煽四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。

    A : Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce , Mustard Greens with Scallop , Fried String beans , Shark 's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup .