
  • 网络Cucumber salad
  1. 我要点黄瓜沙拉做开胃品。

    I 'd like a cucumber salad as an appetizer .

  2. 我要一份黄瓜沙拉作开胃菜。

    I would like a cucumber salad for an appetizer .

  3. 我们向你展示怎样做黄瓜沙拉。

    We show you how to make cucumber salad .

  4. 最近,德拉很关注自己某些方面的特殊食欲,包括对黄瓜沙拉的的着魔。

    Currently , De La Garza is concentrating on her cravings , which include an obsession with cucumber salad .

  5. 一篇名为《拍黄瓜沙拉》的报道攻占了曼哈顿,《纽约时报》也对其大加赞赏,对这种吃黄瓜的新方式赞不绝口。

    In a report titled Smashed cucumber salad takes Manhattan , The New York Times praised the method of smashing cucumbers in making salads as a completely new way to eat a cucumber 。

  6. 传统的中式黄瓜沙拉,或者说拍黄瓜,表面都裹着一层沙拉汁,由酱油、白醋或黑醋、蒜蓉、糖和芝麻油调制而成。

    The traditional Chinese cucumber salad , or pai huang gua , is dressed with a vinaigrette of soy sauce , rice or black vinegar , chopped garlic , sugar and sesame oil .

  7. 然而,如果要说最有特色的泰式街头小吃,莫过于沙爹猪肉烤串了。沙爹猪肉烤串是用长条形的木炭烤制而成的,食用时搭配醋腌黄瓜沙拉和花生蘸酱。

    But if we had to choose the most iconic street food of Thailand , it has to be skewers of pork satay cooked on long charcoal grills and served with a vinegary cucumber salad and peanut dipping sauce .

  8. 除了一盘又一盘堆得满满的烤肉,还有裹着芝麻糊的海枣、西瓜、鹰嘴豆泥、黄瓜西红柿沙拉、腌菜和汤。

    In addition to heaping platters of the famous kebab , there were dates coated with sesame paste , watermelon , hummus , cucumber and tomato salad , pickles and soup .

  9. 轻轻打开口袋,抹上黄瓜酸奶酱,沙拉和烤肉。

    Gently open the pocket and fill with the tzatziki , salad and meat .

  10. 推荐李家大排、虾茸草菇白菜、黄瓜墩儿、沙拉子等。

    Its famous dishes include pork chop of family Li , cooked cabbage with shrimps and straw mushrooms , cucumber strips and salad .

  11. 把生菜,黄瓜先铺入沙拉碗。西红柿围圈摆放。然后把橄榄圈,金枪鱼和乳酪摆在沙拉上面。

    Place the lettuce and cucumber in a salad bowl . Arrange the tomato wedges around the dish . Top with the olive rings , tuna , feta and onion rings .