
  • 网络forge ahead;Determined to forge ahead
  1. 企业介绍:本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。

    The philosophy of " customer first , forge ahead " business philosophy , adhere to the " customer first " principle to provide our clients with quality services .

  2. 大森热水器维修中心人员始终本着“至城奉献、以致求信”的宗旨,“锐意进取、不断开拓”的精神,将竭诚为您服务!

    Omori water heater repair center staff has always been the spirit of " dedication to the city , so demand letter " purpose ," forge ahead , and constantly open up " the spirit , for your dedicated service !

  3. 他是一位锐意进取、竞争意识很强的主管,颇受尊敬。

    He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive

  4. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  5. GRASSHOPPER在波兰语为“草猛”,实际寓意为有活力,锐意进取和创新。

    GRASS HOPPER means grass HOPPER in Polish , which implies active , determined and creative .

  6. 华为(Huawei)正在对爱立信(Ericsson)发起挑战,目标是发展成为按销售额计算的全球第一大电信设备制造商。近十年来华为一直锐意进取,以期改变行业面貌。

    Huaweiis challenging Ericssonto become the world 's largest telecom equipment vendor by sales following a decade-long push by the Chinese company to shake up the industry .

  7. 她在工作中锐意进取。

    She is eager to make progress in her work .

  8. 尽管锐意进取的波兰中产阶级急切渴望变革,但是其他人却显得惶惶不安,有些担心。

    Although go-ahead middle-class Poles are impatient for change , others are fearful .

  9. 锐意进取,规划创新&海南城乡总体规划的战略思考

    Strategic thinking over urban-rural master planning of Hainan

  10. 有良好的沟通技巧和团队合作意识,锐意进取

    Good communication skills and team work spirit ; Aspirant and willing to improve continuously

  11. 美国的历史绝不是懦夫知难而退的败绩,而是全民锐意进取、勇攀高峰的凯歌。

    The story of America isn 't about people who quit when things got tough .

  12. 漯河市锐意进取、充满生机与活力的开发城市。

    Luohe is an opening up and vigorous city full of spirit of reform and innovation .

  13. 女运动员在国际运动场上锐意进取,成绩辉煌。

    With their enterprising spirit , women athletes have done brilliantly in the global sports arena .

  14. 中德公司正锐意进取,逐步中国一流的自动化工程系统公司。

    AMC is making every endeavor to be the leading automation engineering system company in China .

  15. 锐意进取,开拓农业区划经常性工作新领域。

    Dashing to make progress and expanding new areas for the daily work of agriculture regional planning .

  16. 培养他们锐意进取、敢为人先的改革创新精神。

    Training them forging ahead with determination , the spirit of reform and innovation to be the first .

  17. 本着品质至上、精益求精的宗旨,锐意进取。

    The company are based on the tenet that the quality is uppermost and do better and better .

  18. 发展创新锐意进取&法尔胜集团持续快速发展的体会

    Develop and Innovate Make Progress with Keen Determination & Experiences of Continuous and Quick Development of Fasten Group

  19. 我们知道,今天在创新方面锐意进取的国家明天将主宰世界经济。

    We know that the nation that goes all-in on innovation today will own the global economy tomorrow .

  20. 这些锐意进取的大胆行为提升了丰田章男的知名度,而他那些保守的前任们很少有人走这条路。

    His daredevil activities are raising his profile in a way that few of his button-down predecessors sought .

  21. 全体成员精诚团结,锐意进取,广泛交流,共同进步,已取得了可喜的成绩。

    All members of solidarity , forge ahead , wide-ranging exchanges and common progress , has made gratifying achievements .

  22. 我们将一如既往、锐意进取,向着集团化、规模化、科技化、市场化的道路奋勇前进。

    We will continue to strive for progress , towards the grouping , scale , technology , market-oriented road ahead courageously .

  23. 现代企业家应锐意进取,积极适应并改善市场条件,提高自身环境价值。

    They should make their effort to adapt to and improve market conditions so that their environmental values may be better .

  24. 公司在微波化学专业领域一直锐意进取,不断自主研发新品,填补国内空白。

    It keeps forging ahead in microwave chemistry and successively develops novel products independently to fill the domestic gap in such field .

  25. 他师化自然,锐意进取,用画笔勾勒出他对艺术和生活的理解。

    He learned from nature and has strong enterprise , and use his brush to paint his understanding of art and life .

  26. 设计团队锐意进取、勇于创新、精于谋划,使规划设计充满活力与创意。

    Design team to forge ahead , be creative and good at planning , so planning is full of vitality and creativity .

  27. 锐意进取、拓创新,华德公司诚意与国内外朋友携手合作,共图发展。

    Striving for progress and innovation . HuaDe company sincerely works hand in hand with domestic and foreign friends for the tomorrow !

  28. 求真务实锐意进取实现铁路现代化建设新跨越&在全国铁路建设工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

    A New Step of Railway Modernization by Veritable and Concrete Matters & Speech on the Railway Construction Working Conference ( Abstract )

  29. 在市场全球化的进程中,我们愿与各界朋友一道,以锐意进取的精神迎接各种挑战。

    In the process of market globalization , we are willing to work together with friends and forge ahead to face varied challenges .

  30. 我们将在技术上锐意进取,不断提高完善我们的服务,以更高的热情致力于建筑和建筑表现事业。

    We will continue to innovate in expertise , further improve our customer service and devote ourselves to architecture and its related demonstration career .