
  • 网络American International College;America International Golf Academy
  1. 美国国际艺术学院在美洲、欧洲、以及东南亚等地区设有多个办事机构。

    UIIA has a number of offices in the Americas , Europe and Southeast Asia .

  2. 英国查尔斯王子(右)去年元月二十七日参访美国费城国际学院时,展现他优雅的仪态。照片∶法新社。

    Prince Charles , right , shows off his proper manners while visiting the International House in Philadelphia , Jan.27,2007 .

  3. 斯坦利·奈尔是美国旧金山大学国际关系学院的副院长,负责该校在中国的招生工作。他表示该校已经收到不少美国大学关于如何根据中国学生的高考成绩招生的咨询。

    Stanley Nel , vice-president of international relations at the University of San Francisco in the United States , who is responsible for the university 's admissions from China , said they have had several inquiries from US universities about how to recruit Chinese students on the basis of their gaokao scores .

  4. 在美国商学院认证机构美国国际商学院联合会(aacsb)最近召开的一次会议上,许多美国教授声称他们实际上一直是社会主义者。

    At a recent meeting of the AACSB , the US business school accreditation body , many US professors were heard to claim they had really been socialists all along .