
hūn jué
  • faint;swoon
昏厥 [hūn jué]
  • [faint;swoon] 因脑部贫血引起供氧不足而短时间失去知觉

  • 昏厥过去

昏厥[hūn jué]
  1. 有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。

    Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint .

  2. 感谢收看“怎样采取措施帮助昏厥的人”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Help Someone Who Is Feeling Faint

  3. 司机很可能在开车时昏厥了。

    The driver had probably blacked out at the wheel .

  4. 他觉得自己将要昏厥。

    He felt himself going under .

  5. 恐惧和担心使她昏厥在地。

    Her fright and concern sunk her down in a deep swoon .

  6. 6Blackout熄灭;昏厥熄灭灯火或暂时失去知觉。

    This means to , either darkens by putting out or dimming the lights , or to lose consciousness .

  7. 此外有报道称为了抢购打折商品,还引发了一些肢体冲突。在曼彻斯特,一个妇女在Next门前排队的时候突然昏厥送医。

    And there were reports of physical fights over sale items , while one woman in Manchester was treated by paramedics after she fainted in the queue for Next .

  8. 第二部分……v.昏厥adj.模糊的那士兵一看到自己的血就昏倒了。

    Part 2 ...... faint The soldier fainted at the sight of his own blood .

  9. 根据ABC等西语媒体的消息,在英勇地、无数次闯进大火中寻找幸存者后,达伊卡曾多次受伤、热昏厥,尽管兽医以及消防员都采取了急救措施,但它还是最终死于心脏病突发。

    According to Spanish-language news , such as ABC , Dayko suffered from heat stroke and injuries while braving the flames to find more victims , ultimately succumbing to a heart attack - despite resuscitation attempts by veterinarians and firefighters .

  10. 方法应用三腔ICD治疗5例心衰同时合并室性心动过速(简称室速)患者,4例为原发性扩张型心脏病,1例为冠心病,2例有昏厥史。

    Methods The Implantable Biventricular pacing cardioverter defibrillator was used to analyzed 5 patients ( 4 with primary dilated cardiomyopathy and 1 with coronary heart disease ) suffered from heart failure and ventricular tachycardia ( VT ) .

  11. 物理学奖:授予PhilippePerrin,CyrilPerrot,DominiqueDeviterne,BrunoRagaru以及HermanKingma,以奖励他们有关“为何铁饼运动员总是会昏厥而扔链球的人则不会”的研究。

    PHYSICS : Philippe Perrin , Cyril Perrot , Dominique Deviterne , Bruno Ragaru and Herman Kingma for trying to determine why discus throwers become dizzy , and why hammer throwers don 't 。

  12. 当儿童第一次接触到花生时,可能会发生一种具有潜在致命性的反应,称为过敏反应(anaphylaxis),其表现为:瘙痒、舌头和咽喉肿胀、气道收缩、血压骤降、心率加快、昏厥、恶心呕吐等。

    The potentially fatal reaction , called anaphylaxis , can occur with a child 's first exposure to peanuts : itchiness , swelling of the tongue and throat , constriction of the airway , a precipitous drop in blood pressure , rapid heart rate , fainting , nausea and vomiting .

  13. Seyferth女士在今年早些时候因为一次严重的肺炎造成了肺部损伤。当天突发哮喘无法呼吸,在上楼去取吸入器时昏厥过去了。

    Ms Seyferth , who suffered lung damage from a severe bout of pneumonia earlier this year , collapsed after going upstairs to fetch her inhaler during an asthma attack that had left her struggling for breath .

  14. 这对母女生活在美国威斯康星州。在发现母亲KandaceSeyferth昏厥在自家地板上对自己的呼喊毫无反应后,女儿MadisynKestell凭借自己多年看著名医学题材电视剧《实习医生格蕾》的智慧救回了母亲。

    Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother , Kandace Seyferth , after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan , Wisconsin .

  15. 有昏厥发作史者3例。

    Cases had episodes of syncope ( Adams-Stokes attacks ) .

  16. 头部受到重击之后,他立刻昏厥了过去。

    He fainted when he received that terrible knock on the head .

  17. 当看到自己儿子的遗体时,她几乎哭昏厥了过去。

    She collapsed in tears after identifying the body of her son .

  18. 瞧!她因受打击而昏厥过去。

    Look ! She just fainted away from the shock .

  19. 安娜的突然昏厥使他们都吃了一惊

    Anna startled them all by be suddenly seize with faintness

  20. 他似乎发作了某种昏厥症。

    He seemed to be having some kind of fit .

  21. 小女孩昏厥几分钟后醒过来了。

    The little girl came back a few minutes after she fainted .

  22. 阿切尔小姐一阵昏厥,从椅子上摔了下来。

    Miss Archer fell off her chair in a swoon .

  23. 飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥。

    The plane dived suddenly , causing the pilot to black out .

  24. 愿上帝保佑她见到女王不要昏厥!

    Heaven forbid that she should faint at the monarch 's feel !

  25. 泼洒冷水可使昏厥的人复苏。

    A dash of cold water will revive a person who has fainted .

  26. 那位妇人因热而昏厥,但很快苏醒过来。

    The woman had fainted from the heat , but she soon revived .

  27. 你还记得其它可能导致他昏厥的状况吗哪怕只是小事

    Is there anything else that you can remember , any little detail ?

  28. 对头部足以使人昏厥的一击;麻醉药的麻醉效果。

    A stupefying blow to the head ; the stupefying effects of hemp .

  29. 如果这是在他昏厥的时候发生的。

    If it happened during one of the blackouts .

  30. 你的昏厥可能会引起低灌注

    that your collapse may have been something hypoperfusive .