
  • 网络aesthetic expression
  1. 本文中所论智者指在现代性语境中获得个体生命价值和审美表现的那些民间智慧人物。

    In this essay , the sagacious men mean the folk people who wined individual life value and acquired aesthetic expression in modern context .

  2. 这导致了诗歌审美表现的差异:前者重在以理节情,后者重在情性寓理。

    They lead to the difference in the aesthetic expression : the former stresses that the reason control the perceptual feelings , and the later highlight that the reason entrust to the care of the feelings and temper .

  3. 华丽与朴素是文学语言风格的两种基本审美表现形态。

    Floweriness and plainness are two basic aesthetic forms of literary languages .

  4. 在现代哲学的观照下开拓散文诗审美表现疆域。

    Explore new expression field of beauty appreciation under the guide of modern philosophy .

  5. 试析英语语音的审美表现力

    On the Aesthetic Displaying of English Pronunciation

  6. 大众文学的审美表现特征

    Aesthetic Feature of the Popular Literature

  7. 认为印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》在史诗的表现特征上、叙事结构上以及全面地对人性加以诠释方面,具有独特审美表现的魅力。

    The essay thus argues that the Indian epic Mahabharata has its unique aesthetic charm in expressive characteristics , narrative structures , and comprehensive interpretation of humanity .

  8. 而形式的审美表现力的实现是依凭不可重复、无法被取代、不能被仿效的结构整体&陌生化的程序创造而成为可能的。

    As the expression of form relies on the structural unity which cannot be repeated , replaced or imitated , the procedure creation of the unfamiliar state becomes possible .

  9. 科学理性对传统审美表现理性的入侵,极大地变革了传统的审美理念,经典的审美观走向沦落;科技带来传播媒介的改变,导致审美从精英走向大众。

    Upgrading of the propagation media thanks to the development of science and technology leads aesthetics appreciation from the elite to the mass and therefore forms the mass culture .

  10. 当代中国文学创作实践中表现出的困扰,也显示了重新建构后现代的思想视野和审美表现力的迫切需要。

    The perplexity in the practice of literary creation in China also shows the urgent need of rebuilding the ideological vision for postmodern and for the aesthetic power of expression .

  11. 以求能在这位音乐大师身上受到启发,促进当代电影音乐创作的新发展及对电影音乐审美表现的探究。

    In order to be able to master the music inspired him to promote the creation of contemporary new development of film music and the performance of film music aesthetic inquiry .

  12. 从陶艺与家居环境的融合形式来剖析其市场价值的存在,从大众型和精英型消费群体来分析其审美表现形式。

    To analyze its market value of existence from the fusion form between ceramic arts and contemporary domestic environment . To analyze its aesthetic manifestations from the public and elite consumer groups .

  13. 文艺作品的改编在主题精神层面上多是相互勾连的,更应该注意把握的是文学和电影之间的审美表现元素的艺术转换与创新。

    An adaptation of literary and artistic works in the topic is more spiritually connected ; more attention should be paid to the transformation and innovation of literature and film aesthetic elements .

  14. 在叙事功能方面,毕飞宇小说通过中心、影子、帮闲人物和静态、动态意象的设置,凸显了小说的内涵,增强了文本的审美表现力。

    In narrative function , it enrich the test 's aesthetic force by design the leading character , shadow character , idler character and the imagery of static state and the imagery of dynamic state .

  15. 第六代电影人不再把死亡当作宏大叙事的一个载体,而是对死亡现象有了更多的思辨,并且在对其的审美表现上进行了更深层寓意的编码。

    The Sixth Generation Film directors no longer regard the death as a body of grand narrative , but think more about the phenomenon of death and seek deeper implied meaning from its aesthetic form .

  16. 风光摄影的艺术目的和审美表现,是使自然之美符合人的心灵审美需要,使人们的审美感受和审美观呈现为完美、和谐、统一的形式。

    Sight photography , viewed in terms of art , is a way to make the natural beauty in accordance with people s taste for art and show the perfect harmonious unity of the aesthetic sense and standard .

  17. 通过对科学意境的建构,归纳出科学意境的特点,并阐释意境作为科学审美表现形式的意义。第三部分着重阐述科学研究中的审美方法。

    According to construction of scientific mood , we summarize the characteristics of scientific mood , and the significance of the mood as expression form of scientific aesthetic . Part ⅲ focuses on the aesthetic methods of scientific research .

  18. 另一方面,又因其在战争与人性层面上凸显战争暴力对人性的扭曲、伤害,以及对战争暴力的纯审美表现而体现出战争本体性的认知特征。

    On the other hand , it reflects the recognized characteristics of the war 's ontology for indicating that the wars do harm to humanity and purely aesthetic reflection of war 's violence in the levels of war and human nature .

  19. 没有审美的表现,教学艺术也就无所附丽。

    No aesthetic performance , teaching art will no existence .

  20. 审美与表现&论材料在立体构成中的应用

    Aesthetics and Manifestation & On the use of material in the cubic construction

  21. 情理论的审美艺术表现

    Artistic Expression of the Aesthetics of Emotion-and-Reason Theory

  22. 论商业户外广告设计的视传审美建构表现

    On Aesthetic Construction of Commercial Outdoor Advertisement Design

  23. 这一切导致了文学公共领域在中国近代的出现与发展,审美经验表现出了前所未有的世俗性和个性化色彩。

    All these lead to the emergence and development of a public sphere in literature .

  24. 他们要把面对山水的审美感受表现出来,或用诗笔,或用画笔。

    They wanted to express their aesthetic feelings for mountains and rivers through poetry or paintings .

  25. 教学意境的审美特征表现为整体美、情感美、动态美。

    The aesthetic characteristics of teaching conception express themselves as beauties of wholeness , emotion and dynamics .

  26. 他们不仅要具备艺术的审美和表现,还要了解灯具和光源的技术。

    They should possess aesthetic skill and panache and be quite artistic , be familiar with lighting technology .

  27. 直观性、理性、意境,是中国美学“内省”审美意识表现出来的三大文化审美要素。

    " Introspective Consciousness " of Chinese aesthetics has three essential factors : visibility , reason and artistic conception .

  28. “禅意”作为美学范畴,是对禅学精神审美艺术表现的一种概括。

    Chan verses as a aesthetic category is an epitome of the artistic appreciation and judgement of the Chan Sect .

  29. 从审美艺术表现载体看,他的艺术作品的另一个创新就在于艺术表现媒体的革故鼎新,这也是他的审美创造的艺术特点之一。

    From the view of show carrier , his works discards the old in favor of the new , this is one of his aesthetic creation characteristics .

  30. 第二,通过传统艺术中的元素的借用或转化可提高诉求的准确性,中国特色审美文化表现的更加鲜明。

    Second , through the elements of traditional art borrow or transformation can improve the accuracy of Chinese characteristics , appeal to act more distinctive aesthetic culture .