
  • 网络B&W;Black & White;black and white photo;black and white photography;The Monochrome
  1. 这位少年登上了《ManAboutTown》杂志封面,照片上他的动作像极了他母亲维多利亚,而在一组黑白照片中,他简直和他的球星爸爸大卫一模一样,同时也让人怀念起老一代的好莱坞明星——年轻时的詹姆斯·迪恩。

    The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine and while he poses just like his mum Victoria - he looks the spitting image of his handsome soccer star dad David in the black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean .

  2. 我的意思是她本人和覆盖黑白照片确实是美丽的。

    I mean she is covering herself and the black and white photo is really beautiful .

  3. 他为那本书配了一些黑白照片插图。

    He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs .

  4. 他的黑白照片呈现了一个几乎迷失在时间里的世界。

    His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time .

  5. 这位少年为时尚杂志《ManAboutTown》拍摄了封面照片,黑白照片让人联想起年轻时的詹姆斯·迪恩他好莱坞旧照。

    The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine in a black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean .

  6. 这是披头士乐队所在的EMI的艾比路录音室出的最权威的指南。150页全彩,100页双色版,和100页黑白照片。

    This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI 's Abbey Road recording studio.150 full-color , 100 duotone , and100 black-and-white photographs .

  7. 这是MargaretBourke的另一张黑白照片。

    This is another Margaret Bourke-White photo .

  8. 晚上可以在弗迪茨饭馆(BistroFotic)饭馆用餐,这里曾是一家克罗地亚摄影俱乐部,墙壁和架子上摆满黑白照片和老式相机,极具怀旧气息,还提供可口的家常菜。

    Dinner at Bistro Fotic , in a former Croatian photo club , combines nostalgia - walls and shelves are filled with black-and-white images and vintage cameras - and delectable down-home fare .

  9. 穿过拉丁区弯弯曲曲的鹅卵石小巷,或者在圣日耳曼德佩区的梧桐树大道上漫步,你会不止一次感觉自己置身于罗伯特·杜瓦诺(RobertDoisneau)的黑白照片中。

    Walk through the Latin Quarter 's crooked cobblestone corridors or down the grand plane-tree-lined boulevards of St. - Germain-des-Pr é s and , more than once , you 'll think you 're inside a black-and-white Robert Doisneau photo .

  10. 阿黛尔透露称,这场派对是“她一生中最美好的夜晚”,并在其Instagram账号上分享了若干派对上的黑白照片,其中包括一张她穿着救生衣在舞池“摇摆”的照片。

    Adele revealed the party was the " best night of her life . " The singer took to her Instagram account to share a number of black and white images from inside the party , including one of her throwing shapes on the dancefloor wearing a life jacket .

  11. 1993年,担任市长已久的艾伯哈·迪根(EberhardDiepgen)表示,柏林的新市中心要像“老黑白照片里见过的那种城市空间”。

    In 1993 , the long-serving mayor , Eberhard Diepgen , said Berlin 's new center should look like " a city space like those we know from old black and white photographs . "

  12. 先给黑白照片吧您确定是指电子版的黑白照片吗?

    I will be able to provide black & white prints .

  13. 上周六最初公布的图片是黑白照片。

    The initial image released Saturday was in black and white .

  14. 他给我们看了一些黑白照片。

    In my memory , Beijing was like a black-and-white photograph .

  15. 苏维埃俄罗斯一些更多的黑白照片。

    Some more black and white photos of Soviet Russia .

  16. 法雷尔用黑白照片记录了海地发生的悲剧。

    Farrell documented the Haitian tragedy with impressive black-and-white stills .

  17. 编辑已用黑白照片给这本书加了插图。

    The editor has illustrated the book with blank-and-white photographs .

  18. 发表于《自然》杂志的论文所描述的相机只能拍摄黑白照片。

    The camera described in the Nature paper only takes black-and-white pictures .

  19. 别忘了,《河边入浴》近乎于黑白照片。

    " Bathers ", after all , borders on monochrome .

  20. 你怎么看黑白照片?

    What do you think of black and white photographs ?

  21. 报纸上的黑白照片是用网目版印刷的。

    Black-and-white pictures in newspapers are printed in halftone .

  22. 黑白照片具有传统特色,而彩色照片则具有现代气息。

    Black-and-white photos feature tradition while color signifies modernity .

  23. 黑白照片、印刷品、图画等。

    A monochrome photograph , print , drawing , etc.

  24. 为此,电影海报还做了解释,说他们没有使用黑白照片。

    The poster even makes an explanation that this is NOT a black-and-white picture .

  25. 怎样控制黑白照片的反差与影调

    How to Control the Contrast and Gradation of Black - and - white Photographs

  26. 世界就像一张黑白照片。

    The world looks like a black-and-white photo .

  27. 黑白照片,我的心情还是彩色的,我是阳光的。

    No doubt I still try my best to warm your heart whenever and however .

  28. 牛顿喜欢采用自然光拍摄,并且继续以拍摄黑白照片为主。

    Newton preferred to use natural light and continued to work primarily in black and white .

  29. 婚礼后,措科晒了一张她和丈夫在马厩亲吻的黑白照片。

    After the ceremony , Cuoco shared a black-and-white photo kissing her new husband in a stable .

  30. 但回到“黑和白”,你喜欢黑白照片吗?

    But back to " black and white , " do you like black and white photography ?