
jìng jì zhuàng tài
  • form;playing condition
竞技状态[jìng jì zhuàng tài]
  1. 运动员都处于最佳竞技状态。

    The athletes are all on top form .

  2. 我的竞技状态不佳,我输就输在这一点上

    I wasn 't in form , that 's what ailed me . \\ "

  3. 运动员必须锻炼以保持良好的竞技状态。

    Athletes must train to be in condition .

  4. 他今天竞技状态肯定不佳,打得还不抵平时一半好呢。

    He must be off his game today ; he is not playing half as well as he used to .

  5. NBA球员易建联以及前NBA球员王治郅期望球队的竞技状态良好。

    NBA player Yi Jianlian and former NBA player Wang Zhizhi look to be in top form .

  6. 110m栏运动员的心理素质是影响其竞技状态的重要因素。

    Psychological quality is the main factor on competition states for 110m hurdle runner .

  7. 关于罗伯斯110m栏竞技状态与竞赛特征的训练学分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics of Roberts 110m on the Game Field Training and Competition

  8. 对CBA主客场赛制主场优势的心理状态研究中国男子篮球甲级联赛(主客场赛制)周期安排与竞技状态的调控

    Periodic Arrangement or Chinese Basketball Major Leagues of Men ( Home and Visiting Match System ) and Control of Competitive Readiness of Players Study on the home court advantage in CBA

  9. CBA主客场赛季制最大的特点是准备期短,竞赛期长,如何在5个月的长竞赛期中维持和调控运动员良好的竞技状态,最大限度地发挥运动员的竞技能力显得十分重要。

    Because of the specific characters of the CBA home-away match system , such as long season , short training period , it is very important for coaches how to keep and regulate state of sport during the long season , and to bring athletes ' abilities into play .

  10. 结果表明:110m专项体能是指适应110m跨栏比赛要求的,用以维持运动员竞技状态和高质量完成整个比赛过程的各种身体运动能力的综合;

    The results show that : The concept of specialized physical power training of 110 meters hurdles is a kind of comprehensive physical athletic abilities which must adapt to the demands of 110 meters hurdles and maintain the athletics condition for athletes to carry out a whole contest successfully ;

  11. 优秀摔跤运动员赛前最佳竞技状态的训练学调节策略

    Training Adjustment Tactic of Best Competitive State for Elite Wrestling Athletes

  12. 运动员必须不断训练才能保持最佳竞技状态。

    Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition .

  13. 这个队今天竞技状态极佳,所以轻易取胜了。

    The team was really on song today and won easily .

  14. 每个径赛队员经过训练都具有良好的竞技状态。

    Every one of the track team is well legged up .

  15. 这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处於极好的竞技状态。

    The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition .

  16. 论武术运动员赛前竞技状态的调控

    Adjusting and controlling of athlete form for Wushu athlete before competition

  17. 生物节奏对体育比赛最佳竞技状态的影响

    Effects of bio - rhythm on optimal performance in competition

  18. 他们配合默契,队员竞技状态好。

    The teamwork is good and the players are in excellent trim .

  19. 但是他竞技状态极差,结果落在最后。

    But he was sadly off form and finished last .

  20. 运动员最佳竞技状态的形成与科学调控

    Discussion of formation and regulation of athletes ' top form

  21. 运动员们努力保持良好的竞技状态。

    The players tried to keep themselves in good shape .

  22. 这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处於极好的竞技状态

    The team was on excellent form throughout the whole competition

  23. 所有人都知道那位著名的篮球球星现在竞技状态不佳。

    Everyone knows that the famous basketball star is off his game .

  24. 所以现代足球运动要求足球运动员保持良好的竞技状态。

    So modern football sport requires football players to keep in good shape .

  25. 篮球运动赛前训练与竞技状态的分析研究

    An Analytical Study of Training before Competition and Players ' Form in Basketball

  26. 这样一来,他也促使我发挥到了最佳竞技状态。

    In doing so , he pushed me on to a peak performance .

  27. 全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。

    After six months training , the whole team is in super form .

  28. 运动员必须总是处于最佳竞技状态。

    An athlete must never get out of trim .

  29. 径赛运动员赛前竞技状态的培养

    Training for the Form of the Athletes before Contest

  30. 关于赛前的竞技状态与心理调整

    On the Psychological Adjustment and Competition State before Games