
zhuǎn zhànɡ zhī piào
  • transfer cheque;countercheck
  1. 一张能在邮局兑现的邮政转账支票。

    A Giro cheque which you can cash at the post office .

  2. 变造转账支票纠纷案法条的扩张解释具体表现为:作废的票据应包括已过期的票据;

    Case Study : Disputes Over the Check Payable in Account Tampering Overdue bill is one of invalid bills .

  3. 签发转账支票时须同时办理登记并对原始凭证加盖付讫章。

    The issuance of transfer cheques requires the simultaneous registry and the affixture of paid stamp on original vouchers .

  4. 一般业务的付款方式采用转账支票形式,时间从几天到几个月不等。

    Generally , the business payment adopts check for transfer , and the time varies from several days to several months .

  5. 要看你转账支票的收款人与个人结算账户的户名是否一致,不一致的不可以入账。

    Should see you turn of the chamberlain of Zhang check and account of individual settle accounts door the name is uniform , abhorrent not OK enter an item in an account .

  6. 每周直接转账救济支票还未到钱便花光的情况许多家庭都容易出现。

    It is easy for families to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives .

  7. 他靠每周领取的作为病残养老金的直接转账救济支票过日子。

    He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro .

  8. 用户选择要转账的支票账户。

    The user selects a checking account to be transferred .

  9. 自乙方收到甲方签署的全部相关文件且收到相应费用(所有转账、汇款、支票均以到帐为准)起三个工作日之内开始办理公司的注册服务。

    Since Party B received all relevant documents signed by party A and received all the corresponding charges within three working days to start a company 's registration services .

  10. 支票中专门用于转账的,可以另行制作转账支票,转账支票只能用于转账,不得支取现金。

    A form of transfer cheque may be designed and made for cheques used to transfer account , A transfer cheque can only be transferred to another 's account , and shall not be paid in cash .