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zī ɡé xínɡ
  • punishment against competence;punishment against qualifications
  1. 它对新中国刑法中的资格刑的创立和发展奠定了历史基础。

    It laid the historic foundation for the establishment and development of the punishment against competence of criminal law of new China .

  2. 最后,在法定刑的配置模式上,应充分考虑贪污贿赂类犯罪的特质,取消死刑、增加资格刑的选用;

    Finally , in the allocation of statutory sentence , we should take corruption and bribery into full account , eliminate death sentence , increase the options of punishment against competence ;

  3. 目前我国的资格刑种类简单并且针对性不强,剥夺政治权利的内容不尽合理。

    China 's qualification penalty types of pertinency , simple and contents of deprivation of political rights .

  4. 对资格刑适用的期限、条件也略有探讨。

    Application term and condition of Qualification Penalty is also touched .

  5. 最后讨论了资格刑的存废问题。

    Finally discussed the qualifications punishment to save or to waste .

  6. 刑法中的资格刑问题的立法与理论研究

    Legislature for Qualification-Penalty in Criminal Law and Its Theoretical Research

  7. 资格刑的真正起源应该是扑抶。

    True origin of Qualification Penalty should be flutter beat .

  8. 对我国资格刑的反思与重构

    Reflection and Reconstruction on Punishment of Ripping off Qualifications in Our Country

  9. 资格刑的适用期限及适用对象;

    The qualifications punishment applied deadline and applied object .

  10. 增设以单位犯罪为适用对象的资格刑刍议

    Deliberation of Extending Qualification Penalty Applying to Unit Crime

  11. 我国现行的资格刑主要包括剥夺政治权利和驱逐出境两种。

    Qualification-penalty of our country mainly includes Deprivation of Political Rights and Deportation .

  12. 禁锢应属于中国古代资格刑范畴。

    Imprisonment sentence should fall within the scope of eligibility in ancient China .

  13. 其次,本文对经济犯罪中,我国以及国外的资格刑的立法现状进行了比较研究,以期有所收获。

    Secondly I will compare the status of legislation of China and abroad .

  14. 资格刑制度的完善。

    Improvement of the system of punishment against qualification .

  15. 第五部分:资格刑期限之比较。

    A comparative study on its terms has been made in the fifth part .

  16. 这种内容的单一性和适用范围的狭隘性限制了资格刑功能的充分发挥。

    This single quality of function of Qualification-penalty .

  17. 该部分主要介绍了德国、法国、俄罗斯三国刑法中关于资格刑的规定。

    This part mainly introduces criminal provisions of qualification of Germany , France , Russia .

  18. 第二部分:资格刑的立法方式与法律地位比较。

    The legal mode and position of disqualification has been studied in the second part .

  19. 这为将资格刑引入环境犯罪,从而设置环境犯罪资格刑留有了立法空间。

    This make enough legislation space for introducing penalty of qualification and setting environmental criminals .

  20. 第一,本文对资格刑完善的必要性从五个方面入手进行了严密的论证这是已有的成果中所不具有的。

    Firstly , the necessity to improve Qualification Penalty is strictly demonstrated from five approaches .

  21. 中篇是对我国经济犯罪刑罚设置的评析。在此分析了经济犯罪中的死刑、罚金刑、资格刑三种刑罚的设置。

    It analyzes death penalty , fine penalty , qualifications penalty in the economic crime .

  22. 认为在刑罚设置中应该增添资格刑。

    And it is essential to add the punishment to qualifications in the settings of penalty .

  23. 资格刑初论

    The Study on Penalty of Qualifications

  24. 资格刑的反思与重构

    Reconsideration and Reconstruction of Qualification Penalty

  25. 资格刑之反思与重构&以剥夺政治权利为视角

    Reconsideration and Reconstruction of the Competence Punishment & In View of the Deprivation of Political Rights

  26. 资格刑若干问题研究

    The Research on Qualifications Punishment

  27. 第三,本文通过严谨的考证,厘清了资格刑的起源,走出了在这一问题上存在已久的误区。

    Thirdly , origin of Qualification Penalty is rigorously studied in this paper , clarifying long-standing misunderstandings .

  28. 资格刑适用范围之比较

    On the Comparison of Disqualification

  29. 第二部分论述了资格刑名称的演变、资格刑的特征。

    The second part elaborated the qualifications punishment name evolution , the character of the qualifications punishment .

  30. 第一部分主要介绍了资格刑的起源、定义和类型。

    Within the first part , origin , definition and classification of Qualification Penalty are primarily introduced .