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  • Flogging;beat with a stick, cane, etc
  • 用鞭杖或竹板打:鞭~。

  • 古代用竹板或荆条打人脊背或臀腿的刑罚:~刑。


[书] (用鞭、杖或竹板子打) beat with a stick, cane, etc.:

  • 鞭笞

    flog; whip

  1. 为了这个过错,水手遭到船长的笞绳鞭打。

    The seaman was colted by the captain for the mistake .

  2. 船上用来鞭打水手的笞绳不见了。

    The colt used to whip seamen have disappeared on the ship .

  3. 不要自找笞鞭让人抽。

    Do not make a rod for your own back .

  4. 你不认为用笞杖打孩子很野蛮吗?

    Don 't you think caning young children is barbaric ?

  5. 我受罚挨了12下笞。

    I received twelve strokes of the cane as punishment .

  6. 西汉社会生活中的笞罚

    The " Caning " in the Social Life of the Western Han Dynasty

  7. 鞭打用皮鞭或笞鞭狠击。

    To beat severely with a whip or rod .

  8. 笞责用笞杖来击打或拷打。

    To hit or beat with a rod .

  9. 他在这所学校里受尽了笞杖体罚之苦。

    He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school .

  10. 如今很少宗教戒律鼓励自笞者。

    Few religious orders encourage flagelants nowadays .

  11. 在西汉政治生活和家庭生活中,笞罚使用非常广泛。

    In the political and family life of the Western Han Dynasty ," caning " is frequently used .

  12. 在这本小说中,11岁的帕尔瓦娜每天必须要躲避地雷,忍受塔利班分子的笞打。

    In the novel , 11-year-old Parvana must avoid land mines and suffer beatings at the hand of the Taliban .

  13. 以竹条或木杖打人都叫笞,它是一种惩戒性的轻刑。

    Flogging with a bamboo stick or wooden cane is called " caning ", which is a sort of light crime in the nature of a punishment .

  14. “对不起,嬷嬷,”鲍勃心不在焉地回答,他那双蓝绿色的眼睛仍然盯着那一根来回舞动的笞杖。

    " I 'm sorry , sister ," bob replied woodenly , his blue-green eyes still riveted on the tip of the quivering cane as it waved back and forth .

  15. 另外一项惩罚则是著名的“交叉射击”:战友站成两排,受罚士兵在跑过或走过他们的时候,战友会对其进行受仪式性的笞打。

    Another popular punishment was'the gauntlet ' : a ritualistic beating that involved a soldier 's comrades gathering in two lines to beat the accused as he ran or walked past them .