
wàn juàn shū
  • countless number of books
  1. 行千里路,读万卷书。

    Read ten thousand Books , travel ten thousand miles .

  2. 万卷书崖―为巴王子读书的之处。

    Ten Thousand Volume Book Cliff : where prince of Ba Kingdom read books .

  3. 打基础,堂上精读几门课;做学问,馆中博览万卷书。

    To lay a foundation , attend intensively a new classes in a school ;

  4. 维诺尼卡经常会泡在图书馆中,读万卷书、行万里路令她在任何社交场合都游刃有余,并且成为人们关注的焦点。

    She goes to the library frequently and her extensive knowledge and experience allow her to take part in any conversation and become the center of attention .

  5. 丑八怪教与我的付出与怜悯胜过读万卷书,也正因如此我将永远心存感激。

    Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand book lecture or talk show specials ever could , and for that I will always be thankful .

  6. 对于探索知识和真理,中国传统观念强调:“读万卷书,行万里路。”这说明经验与理论同等重要。

    The traditional Chinese belief of the exploration of knowledge and truth emphasizes " reading 10000 books and traveling 10000 miles , " which indicates the importance of experience as much as theory .

  7. 司马迁说“读万卷书,行千里路”,希望同学们都能在人生的道路上以书为伴,好读书,读好书!

    Sima Qian said ," traveling , line a thousand miles way " I hope the students can be on the road of life to the book as a companion , a good read , read good books !

  8. 读过万卷书,却无法为社会创造财富,这是对知识的侮辱,无论读书期间多么优秀,却无法成功的进入社会,这也是违背教育初衷的。

    Read ten thousand books , does not create wealth forthe society , it is the insult of the knowledge , no matter how good reading period , failed to enter the society , which is against the education purpose .

  9. 宋朝的刘彝曾写到“读万卷书,行万里路”,在几乎每个学生都知道这一箴言的中国,上面的调查结果要更符合国情。

    Those numbers are much more in keeping with a country where nearly every student is taught the words of Song Dynasty scholar Liu Yi : ' Reading thousands of books is the same as traveling thousands of miles . '