
jiǎ dònɡ zuò
  • feint;deception;deceptive movement;preliminary feint
  1. 对篮球运动假动作技术特征的教学与训练研究

    On Technical Characteristic of Feint in Basketball Game in Teaching Practice

  2. 排球的假动作技术再探讨

    The Inquire into of the Volleyball Feint Techniques

  3. 戴维斯是NBA最好的防守者之一,(但字母哥)仍能在距离篮筐25英寸的地方(三分线外)用假动作将他晃起。

    Davis - as good a defender as the NBA has - was biting on ball fakes from 25-feet .

  4. 青少年篮球训练应重视进攻假动作技术

    Attention to the Application of Tricky Action in Juvenile Basketball Training

  5. 对篮球比赛中进攻假动作的研究

    Research on the Artificial Action of the Attack in Basketball Match

  6. 迈克尔假动作,转身、上篮、重扣、得分!

    Michael circles , spins , hangs , fires , scores !

  7. 提高篮球攻防技术中假动作的技巧

    Improvement of Deceptive Movement Skills in Basketball Attack and Defence Technique

  8. 浅谈持球突破时如何运用假动作

    How Use False Operation When Brief Talking Holding Breakthrough

  9. 四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球传给了中卫。

    The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback .

  10. 评论员(画外):假动作,传中。

    Perfect deceptive movement , pass to the middle .

  11. 他用假动作使一名对手离开了自己的位置。

    He faked an opposing player out of position .

  12. 詹姆斯做了个假动作,稍微往旁边挪了挪,爱德华立刻做出了相应的反应,也移动了身形。

    James feinted slightly to the side , and Edward shifted in response .

  13. 篮球投篮假动作的训练与运用研究

    Primary detection on the training and application of basketball false actions in shooting baskets

  14. 篮球进攻和防守假动作探析

    A Probe into the Fake Action of the Attack and Defense in Playing Basketball

  15. 篮球防守假动作及技术分析

    Disguising Action in Defense and its Technical Analysis

  16. 篮球运动假动作探析

    On Analysis of the Dummy Play in Basketball

  17. 篮球比赛中防守假动作的应用

    Application of Feigned Defending movements in Basketball Competition

  18. 综合起来分析,我们在单个假动作的掌握上存在差距。

    Together analysis , we grasp in a single false move on the gap .

  19. 知道如何使用假动作来获得开阔的视野。

    Knows how to use fakes to get open looks from the midrange in .

  20. 假动作在散手中的运用

    Application of Fake Movement in Martial Art

  21. 当地的篮球队尽管有许多迷惑人的假动作,但仍以20分之差被打败。

    Despite a lot of razzle-dazzle , the home-town basketball team was beaten by20 points .

  22. 假动作在中锋盖帽技术教学中的运用分析

    Analysis of the application of deceptive movement in the teaching of blocking shot in the center-forward

  23. 在篮球进攻和防守中,假动作是篮球运动中一种常用的技术动作。

    False action in basketball attack and defense is one of technical actions in basketball games .

  24. 只要合理的运用防守的假动作就能摆脱防守的被动局面,提高防守的主动性。

    Using them properly , we can shake off the passive guard phase and improve its initiative .

  25. 篮球假动作技术掌握受动作的难易程度、身体素质、教学技巧等多种因素的影响。

    Basketball dummy play skill is affect by degree of difficulty , body quality and teaching technique .

  26. 实际的假动作将导致让公众相信没有任何的杜尔塞故事。

    The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story .

  27. 做犯规的假动作在投球之前做出非法动作,使得一个或多个跑垒员前进一个垒位。

    To make an illegal motion before pitching , allowing one or more base runners to advance one base .

  28. 他的个人技术完美无缺。他各方面的技术都是最突出的&无论是运球、过人、假动作还是转身。

    His ball handling is perfect . He 's the best in everything-dribbling , passing , faking and pivoting .

  29. 我认为“正确的握拍”对保证动作的一致性(假动作),击球有力且落点准确是至关重要的。

    Because I think badminton grip is crucially important in making deceptions , powerful shots , and accurate shots .

  30. 他快速的投篮假动作对于对手来说是联盟中被吓到的又一大利器。

    His quick elevation even with a man in his face is as daunting a weapon as anything in the league .