
  • 网络Match-fixing;soccer fraud;fixed game
  1. 嗯,说到CNN上个月的独家,国际足联秘书长瓦尔克将假球现象比作可能杀死足球的顽疾,

    Well , speaking to CNN exclusively last month , the FIFA general secretary Jermoe Valke described match-fixing as a disease that could kill football ,

  2. 一些欧洲国家的调查机构也正在调查假球案件。

    Investigators in several European countries are now pursuing match-fixing cases .

  3. 在美国,所有球迷都知道黑袜丑闻(BlackSox),当时有八名球员在1919年世界大赛(WorldSeries)中打假球,最后被判终生禁赛。

    In America , every fan knows about the Black Sox scandal , in which eight players threw the 1919 World Series , leading to lifetime bans .

  4. ATP主席克里斯·克默德告诉BBC,他知道在网球运动中存在着打假球的现象,但他也表示,打假球的现象局限在一个很小的范围内。

    ATP President Chris Kermode tells the BBC he is aware there is match fixing within tennis but says it is at an ' incredibly small level ' .

  5. 近日,一份秘密磁盘被递交给了BBC和Buzzfeed新闻网。该磁盘里面收录了2007年ATP赛事组织方对假球事件的调查结果。

    The cache of documents passed to the BBC and Buzzfeed News include the findings of an investigation set up in 2007 by the ATP

  6. 该秘密文件揭示的证据显示,包括温网在内的很多世界网球顶级赛事,都存在大量的打假球现象。BBC和Buzzfeed新闻网即将披露这些文件。

    Secret files exposing evidence of widespread suspected match fixing at the top level of world tennis , including at Wimbledon , can be revealed by the BBC and BuzzFeed News .

  7. 9月,他因受贿和假球被捕。

    He was arrested for receiving bribes and match fixing in September .

  8. 足球一直为假球丑闻困扰。

    Football has been dogged by scandals in this area .

  9. 不幸的是,指控假球几乎不可能找到证据。

    Unfortunately , match-fixing is almost impossible to prove .

  10. 对足球行业假球黑哨监管机制的研究

    Supervisory Mechanisms for Fake Match Score and Bribing Referee in Chinese Football Trade

  11. “假球”:一种博弈论解释

    The explanation of a game theory of " deceitful match of ball "

  12. 蔡丰安退役数年后,检察官控告他在四场比赛中打假球。

    Prosecutors accused Tsai of throwing four games years after he stopped playing .

  13. 假球的事就这一次。

    The point-shaving was just a one-time thing .

  14. 他说,自从2009年以来,已经没有假球案件的报告。

    There have been no reported cases of game-fixing since 2009 , he said .

  15. 对于自己受到的在四场比赛中参与打假球的指控,他曾进行多年的申辩。

    Tsai had spent years fighting the charges that he helped throw four games .

  16. 对足球假球问题的研究

    Study on the False Playing of Football

  17. 在假球指控发生后不久,这一消息再次轰动了墨尔本网球界。

    And it came in the wake of match-fixing allegations that rocked tennis in Melbourne .

  18. 拜假球丑闻调查所赐,国际米兰和罗马将从中摄取一笔唾手可得的来自电视台的横财。

    Inter Milan and Roma will earn a handy TV windfall courtesy of the Calciopoli investigation .

  19. 因此,本论文探讨文心兰的当代假球茎在花梗发育过程中,有关甘露聚醣的代谢机制。

    Therefore , the mannan metabolic mechanism in current Oncidium pseudobulbs during inflorescence development was studied .

  20. 如果你是法国人的话这压根不算假球

    This is not a lie . This is not a lie if you are French .

  21. 职业足球联赛中假球问题的博弈模型分析

    Analysis on Game Mode of " Deceitful Match of Ball " in Chinese Professional Football League Matches

  22. 假球现象是俱乐部与公众之间的一个非合作博弈结果。

    The " deceitful match of ball " is resulted by the non cooperation between public and clubs .

  23. 他还同一些台湾南部的退役球员交朋友,付钱让他们介绍现役球员打假球。

    He also befriended former players living in southern Taiwan , whom he paid to recruit active players .

  24. 利用新闻媒体的监督作用,加强对假球行为的追踪报道。

    The report to deceitful match of ball should be enhanced by the direct function of the news medium .

  25. 俱乐部与公众&信息不对称条件下假球博弈模型分析

    Clubs and public & analysis on game mode of deceitful match of ball under the condition of asymmetric information

  26. 不过,欧洲应对假球事务的全职足球官员大概只有5人。

    However , the number of football officials in Europe who work full-time on match-fixing is probably about five .

  27. 二人依然声称自己是清白的,但这场的假球丑闻一直是个难以去除的污点。

    Each continues to proclaim his innocence , but the game-fixing scandal has been a hard stain to erase .

  28. 是开展足球假球调查时候发现腐败存在于欧洲的380场职业的比赛中,

    it 's been carried out into football match-fixing and it 's discovered corruption in 380 professional matches across Europe ,

  29. 他成为了上周四,当费内巴切被强行从欧洲冠军联赛假球指控后弹出。

    He became available on Thursday , when Fenerbah ç e were forcibly ejected from the Champions League after match-fixing allegations .

  30. 既然假球无处不在亦无法避免,我们只有两种选择,一是接受二是放弃。

    Since false matches is ubiquitous and also avoid , we only have two kind of choices ; first , accepts or gives up .