
  • 网络disinformation
  1. 在传播假情报和宣传系统和持续的努力似乎是无限的。

    The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds .

  2. 在他Facebook的一篇文章中,扎克伯格表示,他希望宣布措施以“尽快”处理这些假情报。

    In a post on his Facebook Mr Zuckerberg said he hoped to announce measures to tackle fake stories " soon . "

  3. 窃贼发现了打入内部的警探,向他提供假情报。

    The crooks discovered the plant and fed him bogus information .

  4. 以便适时地向同僚提供假情报。

    on the payroll to supply their colleagues . with counterintelligence .

  5. 目的是向敌方传递假情报。

    It 's purpose is to give false information to the enemy .

  6. 除非她提供给我们的是假情报。

    She 's provided turns out to be false .

  7. 一个受到胁迫的特工往往会感到忿恨、郁闷,容易叛变和制造假情报。

    A blackmailed agent tends to be resentful , brooding , prone to disloyalty and the fabrication of intelligence .

  8. 我要发送欺骗性无线电信号和假情报,把部队部署成迷惑敌人的阵势。

    I would put out misleading wireless signals , send false intelligence reports , dispose my troops in a misleading fashion .

  9. 我不打算编造一些有外援的假情报来增强你的信心,事实是我们必须孤军与敌人作战。

    I do not intend to bolster your hopes with false reports of outside assistance ; the truth is that we must face the enemy alone .