
jiǎ zhuāng
  • pretend;feign;acted;play;affectation;affect;disguise;make believe;simulate;sham;dissimulate;play-act;make to believe;play a part
假装 [jiǎ zhuāng]
  • [pretend;disguise;dissimulate;feign;make believe;make to believe] 故意装出某种动作或姿态,以掩盖真相

  • 假装死

假装[jiǎ zhuāng]
  1. 要是我假装不认识你,你别觉得奇怪。

    Don 't be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you .

  2. 我不喜欢他,如果假装喜欢,那就是我不诚实了。

    I don 't like him , and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise .

  3. 她并不是真的病了,不过是假装的。

    She 's not really sick ─ she 's just faking it .

  4. 萨姆说:“咱们来玩假装的游戏吧。”

    ' Let 's play make-believe , ' said Sam.

  5. 她无法继续假装爱他了。

    She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him .

  6. 她听了他的笑话假装笑了。

    She smiled falsely at his joke .

  7. 到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣抛得一干二净。

    By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested .

  8. 他假装没注意。

    He pretended not to notice .

  9. 她假装不为所动,可脸上的表情却将她的心绪暴露无遗。

    She pretended she wasn 't excited but the expression on her face was a dead giveaway .

  10. 这名“受害者”透露他只是假装的。

    The ' victim ' revealed he was only play acting .

  11. 她做了个扇风的动作,假装想让自己凉快一点。

    She made a fanning motion , pretending to cool herself off

  12. 他假装要去追赶一边往回跑一边大笑的戴维。

    He made to chase Davey , who ran back laughing .

  13. 警方推测那些杀手可能会假装成搭便车的人。

    Police are theorizing that the killers may be posing as hitchhikers

  14. 韦兰假装在便笺薄上做笔记。

    Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad

  15. 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。

    I pretend that things are really okay when they 're not

  16. 他面部扭曲,假装疼痛。

    He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain .

  17. “真惨啊!”杰弗里假装吓昏了过去。

    ' It 's tragic ! ' swoons Jeffrey in mock horror

  18. 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。

    It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect .

  19. 演员们假装从事不同的劳动。

    Actors go through the motions of different types of labor .

  20. 我假装拭去一只眼睛里的沙粒。

    I pretended to rub a fleck of grit from one eye .

  21. 他躺在黑暗中,假装睡觉。

    He lay in the darkness , pretending to sleep .

  22. 假装这件事没有发生毫无意义。

    There 's no sense in pretending this doesn 't happen

  23. 船长在船尾,假装睡着了。

    The captain was astern , pretending he was sleeping .

  24. 玛格达的真诚和痛苦都绝不可能是假装的。

    There was no mistaking Magda 's sincerity , or her pain .

  25. 她把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。

    She buried her head under the covers , pretending to be asleep

  26. “谢谢你,”她假装热情地说。

    ' Thank you , ' she said with false enthusiasm

  27. 我们只得一直假装情形在好转。

    We have to go along with the pretence that things are getting better

  28. 我别无他法,只能假装不知道。

    I had no option but to pretend ignorance .

  29. 他假装要用剑剥下我的头皮。

    He pretended to scalp me with his sword .

  30. 她可以晒晒太阳,假装自己是在西班牙。

    She can sunbathe and pretend she 's in Spain