
  1. 我们专业生产广告彩·儿童颜料·画材·DIY益智产品,产品远销欧美市场并深受市场的欢迎。

    We specialized in the production poster child paint painting materials DIY puzzle products , products are exported to Europe and the United States market and was well received by the market .

  2. 上海实业马利画材有限公司,建厂至今已经有八十多年的历史。

    Shanghai siic marie painting materials co. , ltd. has long history of over 80 years .

  3. 混合如果你手上有多种画材可以使用,不要害怕把它们混合搭配着使用!

    Combinations If you have multiple mediums on hand , don 't hesitate to mix and match !

  4. 材料方面,在梳理、挖掘、继承传统画材的基础上,研究和生产新的绘画材料,同时引进日本画材以增强和拓展中国重彩画的表现力。

    At the same time , besides studying the traditional painting materials , they researched and made some new painting materials , introduced Japanese painting materials to strengthened the expression of the modem heavy-colored painting .

  5. 他们的作品力求『真』的定义,更对『美』作一番诠释,不拘泥于任何画材及用具,喜好运用新的方法。

    On their works , the definition of " reality " has been pursued , and " beauty " is also given an explanation , with unconfined painting materials and tools , as well as with new methods .

  6. 大自然的山水不但滋润了他的心田,使他的画隽秀灵动,而且为他提供了不尽的画材。

    The wild mountains and water not only nourished his soul and made his paintings graceful and inspirational , but also offered him innumerable painting materials .