
huà gǎo
  • rough sketch;endorse the draft of a document;rough sketch(for a painting);approve a document by signing
画稿 [huà gǎo]
  • [rough sketch(for a painting)] 图画或画卷的稿本

  • [approve a document by signing] 专职或负责人员签定文稿以示同意

画稿[huà gǎo]
  1. 我从口袋中拿出我的画稿。

    I took my rough drafts of drawings out of my pocket .

  2. 刺绣画稿创作辅助设计系统DraftDraw的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a CAD system for embroidery patterns

  3. 他已画了几百张纸的画稿。

    He had covered hundreds of sheets of paper with his drawings .

  4. 刺绣画稿自动生成系统

    A System for Automatic Generation of Embroidery Draft

  5. 他身体力行,一生积累写生画稿数以万计。

    He has finished tens of thousands of sketch paintings in his whole life .

  6. 在画稿上添衬上阴影

    Fill in a sketch with shadow

  7. 这些人物画稿是研究张大千如何利用传统资源实现传统人物画转化的珍贵图像资料。

    These paintings are precious materials for studying how Zhang Daqian modernized traditional figure portraits with traditional resources .

  8. 到了六岁,他已画了几百张纸的画稿。

    By the age of 6 , he had covered hundreds of sheets of paper with his drawings .

  9. 这些画稿中有两张分别是七个小矮人中的害羞鬼和万事通,另外还有一张是没签名的匹诺曹。

    The sketches were of two of the seven dwarfs , Bashful and Doc , along with an unsigned sketch of Pinocchio .

  10. 从早期的水彩画来讲,其多是以画稿的形式出现,是作为正式绘画或者是作为其他事物的一个前期铺垫。

    From early watercolor speaking , and more based on the artwork in the form of a pre-bedding as a formal painting or other things .

  11. 为了画好鸡,他自己养鸡,深入观察鸡的各种习性特点,画稿不计其数。

    In order to draw lively chickens , his own chicken insight into the characteristics of a variety of chicken habit , creat countless drawings .

  12. 你的第一封邮件,我们一开始说打不开,但我们的女婿帮了忙,我们看到你的美丽的画稿。

    The first mail , we wrote you , we couldn 't open , but our son in law helped us and then we could see the beautiful drawings .

  13. 我将从官方、制度化宗教与世俗社会三个不同层面对工匠进行观察,对应的材料是秦俑、敦煌画稿及明清祖宗像。

    The author will analyze craftsman from three different angles : official ideology , religion and secular society , with materials of Qin Yong , Dunhuang paintings and ancestor paintings in Ming and Qing Dynasty .