
  • 网络Flower Festival
  1. 朝鲜不顾国际制裁,在实施第三次核试验后举办了盛大的花节。

    North Korea staged a massive flower festival just two days after it carried out its third nuclear test to international condemnation .

  2. 最后,文章从规划理念、科学布局、规范花节市场、创建特色花卉旅游产品以及大力促进成都花卉旅游经济发展等诸多方面提出了自己的建议和构想。

    Finally , from the planning concepts , scientific layout , regulate the market of the Flower Festival , creating the characteristic flower tourism products , and vigorously promote the many aspects of the Chengdu flowers tourism and economic development put forward their own proposals and ideas .

  3. 基于小波变换的复合材料预制件花节长度测试研究

    Research on Stitch of Composite Preform Measured Based on the Wavelet Transform

  4. 该品种中早熟,始花节位第7~8节。

    The first blossom happens in 7-8th knot of plant .

  5. 编织复合材料预制件花节长度的自动化测量系统实现

    Automatic Measurement Technology on Braided Pitch Length of Three-dimensional Braided Composite Material Preform

  6. 多效唑在抑制营养生长的同时也促进了生殖生长,有效地促进花芽形成,降低了始花节位,增加了成花节位数和复花芽节位数。

    Paclobutrazol promoted the flower formation , lowered initial node of the flower bud .

  7. 含山蚕花节

    Flowers Silkworm - Raising Festival in Mount Hanshan

  8. 哦,哦,在公共花园里有一个杜鹃花节。

    Oh ! Oh ! There is an azalea Festival at the public garden .

  9. 五月花节是很盛大的节日。

    The May Day celebration is big time .

  10. 朝鲜花节定在2月16日举办以纪念去世领导人金正日诞辰。

    The festival marks the birth of the late leader Kim Jong Il born February 16th .

  11. 而编织工艺参数众多,其中花节距和编织角是最基本的参数。

    Among all the parameters , the pitch length and the braiding angle are the basic parameters .

  12. 始花节位和采收始期与单株产量间存在一定的负向相关。

    There was certain negative correlation between first flower node , initial harvesting date and single plant yield .

  13. 这是花节上的乐手在彩车上演奏迎春曲。

    These are musicians on the floats playing the " Welcome spring music " at the Flower Festival .

  14. 乡村节事旅游活动品牌形象的实证研究&以罗平油菜花节为例

    An Empirical Study on Brand Image of Rural Festival Tourist Activities & A Case of Luoping Rape Bloom Festival

  15. 花节盛会暖意融,乐手一曲迎春风。

    The warm atmosphere and harmony of the Flower Festival pageant overflows . Musicians play music to welcome the spring breeze .

  16. 在荷兰一年一度的花节盛会上,人们用万朵鲜花扎成各式彩车,欢聚街头。

    Flower Festival pageant , people created all kinds of floats using tens of thousands fresh flowers and gathered happily in the streets .

  17. 二是在含山蚕花节举办的过程中,增强了村落内部的认同感、凝聚力和村落之间的良性互动。

    Thirdly , it strengthens the sense of identity of village , cohesion and interacts between villages in the process of preparing the festival .

  18. 该单胞模型为一六面体形状,其取向平行于预制件的表面,且高为编织花节长。

    The defined unit cells have the brick shape which height is equal to the braiding pitch , and oriented in the same reference coordinate as the composites .

  19. 正式在这样一种背景下,各地政府纷纷上马各种各样的节会活动,如风筝节、火把节、杜鹃花节等。

    In such a context , local governments have launched activities of various festivals , such as the " Kite Festival "," Torch Festival "," azalea Festival " etc. .

  20. 经过对三维编织细观结构的拓扑分析,建立了编织工艺参数之间的关系,如编织角、编织花节长、纤维体积含量、复合材料的尺寸等。

    According to the topological analysis of the unit cells , the relationship between the braiding parameters is established , such as braiding angle , braiding pitch , fiber volume fraction , dimension of composites etc.

  21. 我在大年初一就跑到泰国曼谷,只住了一晚又飞向清迈,都是为了赶上清迈每年二月第一个周末的花节呀!

    The reason I come to Thailand at this time , is for the Flower Festival in Chiang Mai which is hold the first Friday-Sunday of Feb every year , but Saturday is the most important day !

  22. 三是含山蚕花节的蚕事庆典活动不仅具有文化娱乐的功能,更重要是慰藉了心灵,缓解了矛盾,具有社会学意义上的功能。

    Thirdly , the celebration activities of the silkworm flower festival not only entertain people , but more importantly , it could comfort the soul and relieve the contradiction , which has the significance in terms of sociology .

  23. 通径分析结果表明,叶长和侧枝数对净光合速率的直接作用较大,叶柄长、叶宽和第一花节位次之,其它植株性状的直接作用相对较弱。

    The path analysis imply that the leave length and the branch stem numbers influences the net photosynthesis rate most directly , then the petiole length or the leave width or the first nod , the influences of the other characters are very poor .

  24. 同时含山蚕花节它在当地发挥了如下的作用与功能:一是它减轻了人们的现实生活压力和精神压力,满足了人们寄托理性、诉求利益的精神愿望。

    At the same time , the silkworm flower festival in Han Shan play its role as follows : firstly , it relieves the real pressure of human being in practical life and mental pressure , meets the requirement for human beings in terms of entrusting and appealing benefits .

  25. 她花了六节课的时间在练习和表演。

    She spent six classes in practicing and acting .

  26. 单瓣深蓝至紫罗兰色花,每个节有一甚至更多的花梗,很会开花。

    Single dark blue-violet , one or more per peduncle , very floriferous .

  27. 我们花了一节课讲过。

    We spent a whole lecture on this .

  28. 就这么花了三节课的时间读完了《浮出海面》。

    Time has finished reading right away having spent three section of class 's like this " float out sea surface " .

  29. 枣吊上花序的花量与相应节位的叶面积有关;

    Flower number in fruit shoot are related to leaf area .

  30. 下面著名的花,是情人节的象征,是一种尘埃和气体出现像玫瑰的干,但扩大了数百光年列。

    Below the famous flower , a symbol of Valentine 's Day , is a column of dust and gas that appears like a rose 's stem but extends hundreds of light years .