
  • 网络Huanglong Temple
  1. 松潘县黄龙寺自然风景区及其成因

    Huanglong Temple scenic spot in Songpan county and its formation

  2. 四川黄龙寺自然保护区内的黄龙沟长仅3.5km,海拔为3100–3569m。

    Huanglong Valley , at an elevation of 3100 – 3569 m and only 3.5 km long , is the main landscape feature of Huanglong Nature Reserve , Sichuan , China .

  3. 除了这些自然景观之外,还有玉虚宫,黄龙寺,栖真寺和南宫寺等人文景观。

    Besides the natural scenery , there are Yuxu Palace , Yellow Dragon Temple , Qizhen Temple and Nangong Temple , etc.

  4. 气势恢宏的秦兵马俑,享誉世界的敦煌莫高窟,人间仙境九寨沟、黄龙寺,驰名中外的长江三峡,独具魅力的民俗风情。

    It is famous for grand Majesty Terra-cotta Army , world-famous Macao Grottoes , wonderland Jiuzhai-Huanglong , well-known the Three Gorges , and fascinated folk-custom .