
  • 网络operating rate;operation rate;operatingrate
  1. 坚持点检定修提高设备作业率

    Increasing the operating rate of sinter machine by persistence of routine maintenance and periodic repair

  2. 介绍了艾萨炉炉寿、作业率以及能耗的情况,分析探讨了以上指标的优化措施。

    The paper describes the Isa furnace life , operating rate and energy consumption , and analyzes measures to optimize the above-mentioned indices .

  3. 吉林建龙钢铁公司新建90m~2烧结机装备先进,通过不断调整操作参数摸索出适合其原料条件的技术操作制度,利用系数短时间内达到1.97t/m2·h,作业率达到94.04%。

    By continuous adjusting operation parameters of the new-built advanced 90 m2 sintering machine , the technical operation system to fit its raw material conditions is worked out . As the consequence the utilization ratio reaches 1.97t / m2 . h and working ratio 94.04 % in a short time .

  4. 跟踪测试B1型、SASIB-6000型和DT-500型3种包装机的现场运行情况,对停机原因进行分析研究,探讨影响设备有效作业率的主要因素,提出解决办法。

    By tracing and detecting the running condition of type B1,6000 and DT 500 , the stopping cause of the packing machine is analysed and the main factors affecting the effciency are found . So the problems can be solved .

  5. 天津钢管公司还原铁厂针对DRI回转窑出料系统在设计上存在的明显的缺陷,对出料系统进行改造,有效地提高了回转窑的作业率及产量,降低了工人的劳动强度。

    In view of the evident defects existed in the design of discharging system of rotary kiln in DRI Plant of TPCO the discharging system is modified to improve efficiently the working rate and yield and reduce the working strength .

  6. W4-60C型液压挖掘机的工作装置采用手柄人力操纵,影响挖掘机作业率的正常发挥和作业的稳定性。

    The attachment of W4-60C hydraulic excavator is controlled by a hand-operated joystick , which can not give full play to the productivity and operation stability .

  7. 基于汽车维修行业现状工作过程系统化的汽车运用与维修专业高职课程体系构建新的予测予防性维修大纲起名为AMEX,指所有维修是优秀的,以保证现有设备的最高作业率。

    The Construction of the Curriculum System for Automobile Utilization and Service Speciality in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Systematized Working Process in Automobile Maintenance Trade Predictive / preventive maintenance programs were instituted under AMEX-All Maintenance Excellence-to assure maximum utilization of present facilities .

  8. 通过对局部设备的改进和改造,减少机组停机时间,提高机组作业率,找出CDCM机组的生产能力提高后,酸再生机组换酸相对不足的解决办法。

    Through the improvement and reform of local equipments , reduce the shutting down time of the unit , increasing working efficiency of the unit , finding out the resulting measurement of insufficient exchange acid amount after the production capacity of CDCM unit increased .

  9. 中间包快换技术大大提高了铸机作业率,连浇炉数由快换前的16炉提高到48炉以上,钢水收得率由97.67%提高到97.93%,月均提高产量4094.92t。

    It has enhanced the work rate of caster greatly . The continuous casting heats increase to 48 heats from 16 and the molten recovery to 97.93 % from 97.67 % , the average increasing of production amount to 4094.92t a month .

  10. 该调宽系统在稳定的操作状态下控制精度能达到±0.1mm,系统的应用增强了连铸机的适应性,提高了铸机作业率,为攀钢三期工程建设顺利达产提供了保障。

    Control accuracy of width regulation system is ± 0.1 mm at steady operation state . Application of the system strengthens adaptability of continuous caster , raises job rate of caster , and provides guarantee for construction and smooth production of the third stage engineering in Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co.

  11. 浅析影响包装工序有效作业率的因素

    Analysis of the factors affecting the efficiency of cigarette packing line

  12. 铲车匹配条件下铲作业率的计算

    Calculation of operating coefficient of shovel for matched shovels and trucks

  13. 由此,大幅度提高了竖炉利用系数和竖炉作业率。

    Consequently , the productivity and operating factor were raised greatly .

  14. 结晶器和分离环对水平连铸机作业率的影响

    Effect of Mould and Breaking Ring on Operating of Horizontal Continuous Caster

  15. 缩短停机时间,提高数控机床有效作业率

    Shorten the Down Time and Improve the Working Efficiency of CNC Machine

  16. 提高露天矿采剥机械作业率的途径

    The Way of Increasing the Working Factor of Opencast Mining and Stripping Machineries

  17. 分析了尚存在的作业率低、设备稳定性差等问题产生的原因;

    The reasons of production rate low and equipment unsteady have been analyzed .

  18. 满足了生产需求并提高了作业率。

    Meanwhile , they sive satisfaction to needs of production and operation rate is raised .

  19. 济钢中板厂轧机作业率状况分析

    Status Analyses of the Operation Rate for the Rolling Mill of Middle Plate Plant at Jigang

  20. 提高设备作业率的有效手段

    Measures of improving availability of equipment

  21. 轧钢有效作业率、实际小时产量、成材率对能耗的影响

    Effects of effective operation rate , actual hourly output and yield on energy consumption in steel rolling

  22. 导卫板的频繁更换不仅影响了轧机作业率,而且增加了吨钢消耗和工人的劳动强度。

    Frequent exchange of Guide affects greatly working efficiency , increases cost per ton steel and working strength .

  23. 冷拔机单芯棒作业率较低,生产能力不足已成为制约生产发展的瓶颈。

    Cold-drawing machine singal core stick work rate is low , the single plane output is not high .

  24. 分析了高硬度辊皮的磨损情况;改进了辊皮的切削方案;满足了生产需求并提高了作业率。

    The wear conditions of high hardness roller sheet are analysed and cutting projects of roller sheet are improved .

  25. 漏钢事故是连铸过程中最典型的事故,它损坏设备,降低作业率,破坏生产组织的均衡。

    Breakout is the most catastrophic incident in continuous casting . It shatters equipment , reduces task efficiency and break the produce balance .

  26. 采用这种新型机械基础条件将会大幅度提高作业率而获得很大的经济效益,该产品广泛应用于轧钢机等产品中。

    Using this new type of mechanical fundamentals will improve operability by a large margin , so as to get higher economic benefits .

  27. 常用立式冲击破碎机合金锤头质量差,使用寿命短,消耗量大,影响了设备的运转作业率。

    The commonly used alloy hammer of vertical impact crusher has poor quality , short life and large consumption , affecting the equipment availability .

  28. 改造后,其成材率和作业率等均有较大提高,为机组达产打下了基础。

    The modification has yielded both much higher yield and availability of the mill , enabling it to eventually operate with full designed capacity .

  29. 闪速炉作业率达96.13%、烟尘率13%。转炉炉龄141炉次。

    The operating rate of the flash smelting furnace was 96.13 % , the dust rate 13 % and the converter life 141 runs .

  30. 生产中,斗式提升机故障频繁,严重地影响了闪速炉的作业率。

    Since corporation put into production , fault have occurred on the bucket conveyor frequently , it seriously effected productivity of flash smelting furnace .