
  • 网络replacement method;cushion
  1. 为提高地基承载力,该工程采取了基础人工回填砂砾换填法,工程实践说明采用此方法施工经济可行。

    In order to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation , this engineering adopts the replacement method of backfilling sand and gravel into the foundation , and the engineering practice demonstrates that this method is economic and feasible .

  2. 换填法处理软弱地基在施工中应注意的问题

    Problems needing attention of treating soft foundation using replacement method in construction

  3. 换填法垫层最小厚度的直接计算法

    Direct Calculation of the Minimum Thickness of Cushion with Filling Replacement

  4. 简介用换填法处理深挖土质路堑基底

    Dealing with Soil Deep-Cut Cutting Basis by Changing and Filling Method

  5. 换填法在国家粮食储备库基础中的应用

    Application of earth replacing method in base of national grain depot

  6. 换填法道路软基浅层处治小议

    Discussion Of Shallow Layer Soft Ground Of Road Using Earth Replacing Method

  7. 换填法在软弱地基基础工程中的应用

    Application of exchanging - fill method in soft groundwork

  8. 用换填法及刚性桩复合地基处理桩基质量事故

    Treatment of pile foundation accident with replacement method and rigid pile composite foundation

  9. 关于换填法垫层厚度的计算问题

    The Calculating of The Cushion Thickness of Replacement Method

  10. 换填法在高速公路小桥涵地基处理中的应用

    Application of Earth Replacing Method in Small Bridge Culvert Foundation Treatment in Expressway

  11. 换填法垫层厚度的优化设计

    Optimization of Designs of Thickness of Bedding Courses Built with Method of Replacement

  12. 对大面积软弱地基,采用了一种特别的换填法;

    A special soil replacing method was adopted to treat the great area of soft soil ;

  13. 岩溶土洞的处置方面目前,岩溶土洞(塌陷)的处理多数采用开挖-换填法、注浆法。

    Treatment of soil-voids ( potential sinkhole ) Excavation backfill and grouting are widely used to treat the soil-voids and sinkholes .

  14. 道路浅层软土地基是施工中常见的问题,而换填法是浅层软基多用的方法。

    Shallow layer soft ground of road is common problems in construction and earth replacing method is the widely used method to solve it .

  15. 文章较详细的论述了软土地基的处理方法之一的换填法,并提出了换填材料的材料、粒经、尺寸和比例等关键数据,同时列出了应用的经验公式和图表。

    This paper discusses exchanging - fill method , it is one of method to dispose soft groundwork , and gives out exchanging - fill material , its grain diameter , proportion , formula , diagram and so on .

  16. CFG桩和换填垫层法在盐渍土地基中的应用

    Application of CFG pile and exchange filling cushion in saline foundation

  17. 在软基处理中提出根据软基厚度选择换填垫层法、抛石挤淤法和打振动沉管CFG桩法进行施工,并且经过一段周期的观测,发现沉降基本满足要求。

    Made in soft ground treatment of soft base under the cushion thickness choice for filling method , riprap agent overwhelmed France and playing Vibro CFG pile method of construction .

  18. 换填垫层法在晋北铝业扩建工程项目中的应用

    On application of replacement cushion method in extension project of Jinbei Aluminum Industry

  19. 换填垫层法在工程中的实际应用

    Engineering application of replacement cushion method

  20. 本文从换填材料、设计到施工方面,论述了换填法在浅层地基处理中的应用,阐明了换填法在软弱地基基础工程中施工简便、工程短、经济有效。

    This paper states the application of earth replacing method in soft ground engineering from the aspects of replacing material , design and construction . It points out that earth replacing method is a simple , convenient , economy and effective construction method with short project time .