
  • 网络Osmotic diuresis
  1. 追求高效透析致渗透性利尿作用减弱,也是加速RRF减退的原因;

    High effective dialysis had attenuant effect on osmotic diuresis by elimination of solute load and speed up decrease of RRF .

  2. 渗透性利尿引起多尿及水盐丢失,严重失水伴酸中毒。

    Permeability diuresis attracted the urine and salt water loss , severe water loss with acidosis .

  3. 结果控制补液量是高渗血症最常用(85.3%)的干预措施,其次为控制渗透性利尿药用量(41.2%)和控制血糖(41.2%)。

    Results The most common interventional measures for plasma hyperosmolality were to control the fluid replacement ( 85.3 % ), the secondly to control the dosage of osmotic diuretic ( 41.2 % ) and blood glucose level ( 41.2 % ) .