
  • 网络clogging;fouling;ash fouling
  1. 回转式空气预热器堵灰的预防与清除

    Prevention of Fouling in Regenerative Air Preheater and the Removal

  2. 改善空气预热器气流分布以防止堵灰

    To Improve the Air and Gas Flow Distribution in Air Preheater , to Prevent Fouling

  3. 河北西柏坡发电厂300MW火电机组锅炉回转式空气预热器存在漏风和堵灰缺陷。其原因是转子的热变形、密封片两侧压差较大、风压较高造成转子两端漏风。

    The air leakage and ash blocking occurred to the rotary air preheaters of 300 MW boilers in Hebei Xibaipo Power Plant , whose causes are due to hot deformation of the rotors , great pressure difference at both sides of the seal packings and high air pressure .

  4. 容克式空气预热器受热面堵灰分析和对策

    Analysis of Fouling in Heating Surface of Ljungstrom Air Preheater and Countermeasures

  5. 三分仓回转容克式空气预热器堵灰原因及处理方法

    Ash Blocking Cause of 3-Bunker Revolving Ljungstrom Air Preheater and Processing Method

  6. 循环流化床锅炉再热器堵灰爆管的分析与对策

    Analysis on Reheater Tube Burst due to Ash Plug of CFB Boiler

  7. 锅炉尾部受热面积灰、堵灰问题浅析

    Study on Fouling and Clogging Problems at Boiler Back-end Surface

  8. 托电32VNT2060空预器磨损漏风及堵灰分析

    Analysis on 32 VNT 2060 Preheater Abrasing , Air Leaking and Ash Stifling

  9. 流动密封阀结渣与堵灰的原因分析和防止措施

    Cause Analysis and Preventive Measures for Slagging and Ash Blocking of Loop Seal

  10. 回转式空气预热器堵灰原因分析

    Analysis on Rotary Air Preheater Plugged up Dust

  11. 锅炉炉膛取压装置堵灰原因分析及改进

    The causation analysis and improvement for ash blockage up of boiler hearth pressure measure device

  12. 飞灰含碳量测量装置运行中堵灰分析

    Clogging Problem Incurred by a Monitoring Device for Checking Carbon Content in Fly Ash During Operation

  13. 锅炉装置钢管空气预热器腐蚀和堵灰分析与处理

    Discussion of Corrosion and Air Blocking Mechanism for the Steel Tube Air Preheater in Boiler Units

  14. 某热电回转式空预器堵灰原因分析和对策

    The Analysis and Strategies of the Ash Plugging of Rotator Air-preheater of the Yungang Thermal Power Plant

  15. YG-75/5.29-M5循环流化床锅炉返料器堵灰结焦原因分析与对策

    Reasons Analysis and Countermeasures on Ash Fouling & Coking in Material-Returning Device of YG-75 / 5.29-M5 CFB Boiler

  16. 带肋热管换热器用于燃煤锅炉的防堵灰与抗腐蚀性能

    Performances of preventing from ash fouling and corrosion of a finned heat pipe exchanger applied to coal fired boiler

  17. 且排烟温度过低还会引起烟气中硫酸蒸汽的凝结,使低温受热面腐蚀堵灰。

    And too low flue gas temperature can also cause the condensation of sulfuric acid vapor and the Low Temperature Corrosion Fouling .

  18. 重点分析了大坝发电有限责任公司4机组炉膛压力测量装置在锅炉运行中频繁堵灰,无法可靠测量锅炉压力的原因。

    Analyzes the reason of No. 4 boiler furnace pressure device often block in operation and no way to measure boiler pressure reliably .

  19. 该系统常出现结焦、堵灰、分离效率下降及回料阀烟气反串等问题。

    Common problems occurred in this system often are slagging , clogging , drop of separation efficiency and reverse flue gas at return valve .

  20. 并且通过对测量装置的安装位置及安装方式的分析和改进,彻底解决了机组运行过程中测量装置堵灰的问题,提高了机组的安全、经济运行水平。

    By improving the installation place and mode of measuring device , completely solve the problems and increase generation unit safe and economic operation level .

  21. DG-670/140-8型和11型锅炉,尾部连接烟道设计不合理,运行中常发生低温段空气预热器局部积、堵灰现象,排烟温度也高于设计值。

    The design for the bottom flues of DG670 / 140-8 type and 11 type boilers is unreasonable , which results in air blocking , higher exhausting temperature etc.

  22. 针对电站锅炉空气预热器存在的腐蚀、堵灰和漏风等问题,作者提出了在锅炉设计中直接采用热管式空气预热器或在原有的锅炉上改装成热管式空气预热器的改进方案。

    Abstract The idea of application of heat pipe type air preheaters in boiler design or in refitting preheaters of existing boiler is put forth as an answer to the problems posed by corrosion , ash blockage , air leakage , etc.

  23. 这主要表现在:静电除尘器的运行问题(包括运行电流偏低、运行电压偏低、放电极线断线、反电晕、卸灰和输灰系统堵灰等问题)、振打问题以及气流分配问题等。

    And the problems mainly includes operation problems ( such as lower operational current , lower operational voltage , discharge electrode break off , un-electrical-dizzy , and the ash blocking up of ash transporting equipments ), striking problems , gag flow distribution problems , etc.

  24. 燃烧劣质型煤时会造成锅炉热效率降低、出力严重不足、炉膛温度降低、锅炉尾部受热面堵灰腐蚀、增大风机电耗、长期运行可靠性差、司炉劳动强度大等一系列问题。

    It also includes decrease of thermal efficiency , shortage of output , decline of furnace temperature , ash deposite and corrosion of tail heat surface , increase of fan electricity cost , lower reliability of long period running , and bigger stoker labor strength etc.

  25. 该文通过对管式空气预热器腐蚀、堵灰的原因分析,认为提高烟气受热面壁温是有效防止锅炉尾部腐蚀、堵灰的方法。

    After analyzing factors that cause corrosion and ash fouling of tube type air preheaters , the paper opines that raising the temperature of the gas heating surface is an effective way of preventing corrosion and ash fouling of a boiler 's heat recovery part .

  26. 针对火电厂锅炉所配置的光管式空气预热器在运行中存在的漏风、堵灰、热风温度低等问题,文章提出了用螺旋槽管空气预热器替代光管式空气预热器的改造方案。

    Aiming at the problems such as air leakage , ash blockage , low hot air temperature and etc , encountered with air heaters made of smooth pipes commonly used in thermal power plants , a reformation option using spiral-grooved pipe air heater instead of smooth ones is proposed .

  27. 你右面是针线街,沿街北侧围着一堵大灰墙。

    On your right is threadneedie street and walling its north side a great grey wall .

  28. TC-938堵剂在灰岩油藏的应用研究

    Research and application of TC-938 blocking agent in limestone reservoir

  29. 为解决传统气力输送系统的烟丝分层、吸丝管堵丝和漏灰等问题,研究开发了水平侧吸式烟丝气力输送系统。

    To solve the problems , such as cut tobacco segregation , duct blocking , dust leaking , etc , a lateral-suction cut tobacco pneumatic conveying system was developed .