
  • 网络heat-setting;heat setting;heat-set;heat set;heatSetting
  1. 热定型工艺对BOM毛毯性能的影响

    Influence of Heat Setting Process on Batt-on-Mesh Needled Felt Properties

  2. 研究结果表明:热定型温度和时间对PGA纤维及PGA编织线力学性能影响较大。

    The experimental results show that both the heat setting temperature and heat setting time have effect on mechanical property of the PGA fiber and braided yarns .

  3. 基于MATLAB的热定型机PID张力控制器设计

    The Design of Tension Controller of PID in the Heat-Setting Equipment Based on MATLAB

  4. 线阵CCD在布匹幅面热定型控制中的应用

    The Application of Linear Matrix CCD in the Hot Case-hardened Control of the Piece Goods

  5. T(?)与纤维中较完善的晶粒没有必然的联系,而与PEG含量、热定型温度和拉伸比有关。

    T_ ( eff ) can not be related to the perfect crystallites in the fibers and can be affected by PEG content , heat-treated temperature and drawing ra - tio .

  6. 为更好地开发新型PTT纤维面料,在不同拉伸比和温度下对PTT织物进行热定型。

    In order to develop new fabrics involving PTT fiber , the heat settings of PTT fabrics with different elongation under different temperatures were carried out .

  7. 用直接补偿法可以测定纤维皮芯双折射率的分布.最后对这种皮芯双折射差异对纤维热定型之后PET工业用丝的模量、干热收缩及强度和耐疲劳性能的影响进行了讨论。

    Thus there is a difference of the birefringence between sheath and core which can be measured by direct compensation method , the effects of which on the property of PET industrial filament after heat treatment are discussed .

  8. 该控制系统以PLC为控制中心,通过伺服系统来调整热定型机的纵向拉伸张力,满足了工艺要求张力控制,实现了前后拉伸电机的同步。

    This control system use PLC as control center and rectify the longitudinal extended-tension by servo system . Use this system we can fulfil the tension control demanded by technics , and synchronize the back extended-motor with the anterior one .

  9. 聚酯网热定型机计算机控制系统是一套集温度控制、张力控制、变频调速、通讯链路、上位机和触摸终端为一体的先进的分散型SCADA系统。

    The heat-setting computer control system is a advanced distributed SCADA system which involves temperature control , tension control , frequency speed control , serial communications , computer and touch terminal .

  10. 结果表明,CNTs质量分数为0.03%,纺丝温度为288℃,热定型时间为10s,放置时间为4d时,纤维增强效果最佳。

    The results showed that the optimal reinforcement effect can be achieved under the conditions as followed : 0 . 03 % CNTs by mass fraction , spinning temperature 288 ℃, thermal setting time 10 s , storage time 4 days .

  11. 实验表明,生产优质涤纶FDY的合理工艺为:纺丝初速3000~3200m/min、后拉伸倍数1.5~1.6、热定型温度140~150℃。

    The experiments show that the rational process to produce high quality polyester FDY is : spinning speed : 3000 ~ 3200m / min , after drawing ratio : 1.5 ~ 1.6 , heat setting temperature : 140 ~ 150 ℃ .

  12. 介绍宽幅热定型机计算机控制系统,该机可对幅宽8.5m、周长80m的环状织物进行热定型加工。

    A computer control system of heat setting machine for the wide fabric is introduced . Use this machine , we can perform the heat setting for looping fabric , which the width is 8.5m and the periphery is 80m .

  13. 热定型对氨纶纤维动态粘弹性的影响

    Influence of Heat Setting on the Dynamic Viscoelasticity Of Polyurethane Fibre

  14. 网片热定型参数的探讨

    A Study on the Determination of Parameters in Net-Forming Heating Process

  15. 热定型机的微机两级控制系统设计

    The Design of Two_staged Microcomputer Control System on Heat Setting Machine

  16. 红外加热器在热定型机改造上的应用

    Application of Infrared Heater in the Reformation of Hot Shaping Machines

  17. 造纸毛毯热定型工艺对其性能的影响

    Influence of Paper Marking Felt Heat Setting Process on Its Property

  18. 热定型机:低投资成本与使用期成本的权衡

    Heat setting machines : low investment costs contra Life Cycle Costs

  19. 热定型条件对涤纶短纤维结构性能的影响

    The effect of fiber structure and property on heat treatment condition

  20. 热定型机的神经网络优化模糊-PID控制研究

    The study of fuzzy-PID control optimized by neural network in heat-setting machine

  21. Power-Heat-Set:地毯丝热定型&采用过热蒸汽或饱和蒸汽

    Power-Heat-Set : Heat-setting for carpet yarn & overheated steam or saturated steam

  22. 而且随着热定型温度的提高,平台越来越明显。

    With the increase of heat-setting temperatures , the plateau became pronounced .

  23. 热定型机是专门用来对织物定型的设备。

    The heat-setting equipment were used to stabilize fabric specially .

  24. 介绍了一种用于热定型机的拉伸张力控制系统。

    An extended-tension control system used for heat setting machine is introduced .

  25. 宽幅织物热定型机计算机控制系统

    Computer Control System of Heat Setting Machine for Wide Fabric

  26. 热定型门控制系统故障的原因及处理

    Cause and treatment of heat setting door control system fault

  27. 不同张力下热定型对聚酯长丝的结构及染色性能的影响

    Effect of Heat Setting on the Structure and Dyeing properties of PET Fibre

  28. 涤纶织物热定型后动态力学行为

    The dynamic mechanical behavior of PET fabrics after heat-setting

  29. 含涤织物热定型加工中热渗透问题的探索

    Study on the Problem of Heat Permeation in Heat-Setting Process of Polyester-Containing Fabrics

  30. 德国门富士热定型机、立信门富士定型机。

    Suitable for Monforts Heat Setting Stenter ( Germany ), Monforts Fong 's Stenter .