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  1. 林前九7有谁当兵,曾自备粮饷?

    1 cor.9:7 what soldier ever serves by his own wages ?

  2. 林前十四32并且申言者的灵,是服从申言者的。

    Cor.14:32 And the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets ;

  3. 梳棉机锡林前、后固定盖板的工艺效果分析

    Technological Effects of Front - and Back-Stationary Flats of Card Cylinder

  4. 林前十四38但若有人不理会,就由他不理会吧。

    Cor.14:38 But if anyone ignores this , let him ignore it .

  5. 林前十四40凡事都要端正得体的按著次序行。

    Cor.14:40 But all things must be done becomingly and in order .

  6. 林前一6正如我们为基督所作的见证,在你们里面得以坚固。

    Cor.1:6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you .

  7. 林前七15倘若那不信的人离去,就由他离去吧;

    Cor.7:15 But if the unbelieving one separates , let him separate ;

  8. 林前十五30我们又为什么时刻冒险?

    Cor.15:30 Why also do we brave danger every hour ?

  9. 林前十一31但我们若分辨自己,就不至于受审判。

    Cor.11:31 But if we discerned ourselves , we would not be judged .

  10. 林前九4难道我们没有权利吃喝么?

    1 cor.9:4do we not have a right to eat and to drink ?

  11. 林前六15岂不知你们的身体是基督的肢体么?

    Cor.6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ ?

  12. 林前十26因为地和地的丰满,都属于主。

    Cor.10:26 For the earth is the Lord 's and the fullness thereof .

  13. 林前十五5并且向矶法显现,然后向十二使徒显现。

    Cor.15:5 And that He appeared to Cephas , then to the twelve ;

  14. 释文:林前13:4-8爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;

    Cor13:4-8 Love is patient , Love is kind .

  15. 林前十三9因为我们所知道的是局部的,所申言的也是局部的;

    Cor.13:9 For we know in part , and we prophesy in part ;

  16. 林前九章二十五节的华冠,指当时为()竞赛,用树叶所作之圆冠。

    A chaplet made of leaves for the () contests at that time .

  17. 林前十五7以后向雅各显现,然后向众使徒显现。

    Cor.15:7 Then He appeared to James , then to all the apostles ;

  18. 林前十二27你们就是基督的身体,并且各自作肢体。

    Cor.12:27 Now you are the body of Christ , and members individually .

  19. 林前九18这样,我的赏赐是什么?

    1 cor.9:18 what then is my reward ?

  20. 林前一15免得有人说,你们是浸入我的名里。

    Cor.1:15 That no one may say that you were baptized into my name .

  21. 林前七21你是一个奴仆蒙召么?

    Cor.7:21 Were you called as a slave ?

  22. 林前十二19若都是一个肢体,身体在那里?

    Cor.12:19 And if all were one member , where would the body be ?

  23. 林前十四3但那申言的,是对人讲说建造、勉励和安慰。

    Cor.14:3 But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and consolation to men .

  24. 林前十四17你固然感谢得好,无奈别人得不著建造。

    Cor.14:17 For you give thanks well , but the other is not built up .

  25. 该文重点研究了新造防护林前5年的防护效益。

    The initial 5-years benefits of newly built protective forest are studied in this paper .

  26. 林前十五46但不是属灵的在先,乃是属魂的在先,以后才是属灵的。

    Cor.15:46 But the spiritual is not first but the soulish , then the spiritual .

  27. 林前十五36愚昧的人,你所种的,若不死就不能生;

    Cor.15:36 Foolish man , what you sow is not made alive unless it dies ;

  28. 林前九12若别人在你们身上分享这权利,何况我们?

    1 cor.9:12if others partake of this right over you , should not rather we ?

  29. 林前九6独有我与巴拿巴没有权利不作工么?

    Cor.9:6 Or do only I and Barnabas not have the right not to work ?

  30. 林前十四18我感谢神,我说方言比你们众人还多。

    Cor.14:18 I thank God , I speak in tongues more than all of you .