
  1. 一种网络涉密信息系统的设计

    The Design of the System for Secret Information Used in the Network

  2. 涉密信息系统风险评估与安全测评实施

    A Study about Secret-involved Information System Risk Evaluation and Security Testing Evaluation

  3. 涉密信息系统建设的有关问题探讨

    Some Problems Concerning the Construction of Confidential Information System

  4. 涉密信息系统安全评估指标体系研究

    Study On Security Assessment Index Of Secret Information System

  5. 涉密信息系统中风险评估开展过程的研究

    Study on Risk Assessment Processes of Secret-involved Information System

  6. 涉密信息系统设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Information System Security

  7. 信息安全风险评估是保证信息系统安全保密的重要手段,是涉密信息系统风险管理的重要内容。

    Information security risk assessment is an effective way to protect the security of secret-involved information system .

  8. 本文通过一个具体涉密信息系统的案例,详细描述了设计过程,设计依据,需求分析,安全目标和方案实现。

    This article specifically fords the Information System Security through one the case , detailed described the design process , the design basis , the demand analysis , the security goal and the plan realization .

  9. 验证结果表明,数据交换平台实现了应用系统间的跨域数据交换,并具有多重安全保障机制,以及良好的可扩展性和稳定性,满足涉密信息系统的国家保密标准中的相关严格规定。

    The validation results indicates that the platform reaches the target of data exchange across security domains , and has multiple security mechanisms and good extensibility and stability to meet the strict prescripts defined in the national security standards of classified information systems .

  10. 本文对涉密信息系统的建设进行了初步探讨,介绍了2005年国家保密局颁布的《涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法》相关内容。

    This paper explains the concept of some confidential information system , discusses preliminarily the construction of confidential information system , and introduces the related contents in the " Administrative Measures on Qualification of Integrating Computer Information System Involving State Secrets " promulgated by the State Secrecy Bureau in 2005 .

  11. 架设内部专用CA系统提供安全服务,采用SSL安全认证网关,以cookie的方式与涉密信息管理系统结合,实现数据传输加密和涉密人员身份认证。

    Found a special CA system to supply security service , adopting the SSL security authentication gateway , combining the classified information management system by cookie , to carry out the safety transmission of the classified information and personnel 's safety notarize of identity .

  12. 一种新的局域网涉密信息检查系统的设计

    The Design of the System for Verifying Secret Information Involved in the Intranet

  13. 论涉密计算机信息系统的安全问题

    Discussion on the Security Problem of the Computer-based information System Connecting with the Secrets

  14. 基于主机的涉密信息清除系统的设计

    Design of a Host-based Confidential Information Erasure System

  15. 涉密计算机信息系统电磁泄露问题与对策

    The Electromagnetic Leakages Problem and Prevention of the Computer Based Information System Connecting with the Secrets

  16. 最终实现的涉密信息管理系统,满足了涉密信息的安全管理要求,提高了机关办公、业务工作处理的效率。

    The classified information management system satisfied the safe management requirement of the classified information , speeds up office work .

  17. 政府部门的涉密信息管理系统由涉密公文管理、日常业务管理、业务资源管理、系统维护等模块组成,在模块的开发过程中主要实现了数据的加密存储、传输和密钥的安全管理。

    The classified information management system include classified archives management , operation management , operation resource management and system maintenance module etc.

  18. 本文根据多年网络信息系统安全管理的实践经验,分析了目前网络攻击入侵手段,详细论述了构建涉密计算机信息系统安全体系的基本思路。

    Based on many years ' experience of network management the author , analyzes the common methods of network invasion and offers advice on security frameworks for management of secret computer .

  19. 本研究成果在得到国家保密局批准后,将可在我国的党政机关、企事业单位、团体组织的涉密计算机信息系统建设中全面推广。

    With a further verification and recognition from the State Secrecy Bureau and relevant research institutions , this is a possibility for a wider application of the research result in the construction of secret computer information systems in government departments , enterprises and organizations all over the country .

  20. 基于Java的主机涉密信息监测控制系统的研究

    Research in Classified Host Information Inspecting and Control System Based on Java

  21. 涉密信息离线浏览系统的设计与实现

    Security information off-line browsing System Design and Implementation

  22. 该系统为银行、证券、保险、政府和企业等涉密部门的信息系统提供了一个内部可信赖的安全审计环境。

    This system provides an inside reliable security audit environment for bank , bond department , insurance , government , corporation and so on .