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shè liè
  • do desultory reading;read cursorily;dip;excursion;dabble
涉猎 [shè liè]
  • (1) [read cursorily;do desultory reading]∶粗略地阅读;浏览。不深入钻研

  • 涉猎书记,不能为醇儒。--《汉书.贾山传》

  • 涉猎甚广

  • 有的只要稍加涉猎即可

  • 诸子及经史多所涉猎。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

  • (2) [dip]∶稍加探究

  • 涉猎一下考古学

涉猎[shè liè]
  1. 他短暂涉猎过戏剧之后便把全部精力投入到他的主要兴趣——诗歌中去了。

    After a brief excursion into drama , he concentrated on his main interest , which was poetry .

  2. 有的书必须精读,有的只要稍加涉猎即可。

    Some books are for intensive study and some are for cursory reading .

  3. 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。

    She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry , etc.

  4. 他涉猎宗教。

    He dabbled in religions .

  5. 一直以来,加布里埃尔都不想涉猎音乐相关的东西。

    For a long time Gabriel didn 't want to be involved in music at all .

  6. 她从小就酷爱阅读——书籍、杂志,无不涉猎

    She read avidly from an early age — books , magazines , anything .

  7. 如果你也涉猎了叫做“Web设计”的伪码梦幻世界的话,你无疑会发现在这个时代绝大多数设计师会分属于两个阵营之一。

    If you 've also dabbled in the wonderful world of pseudo-coding called " web design " you undoubtedly recognize that , these days , most designers fall into one of two camps .

  8. 但是,最近向题材较为严肃的电影涉猎,像是《美好时光》(GoodTime)、《迷失Z城》(LostCityofZ)和《生活》(Life)的帕丁森表示,自己险些错过了爱德华一角。

    However , the actor - who has taken steps towards the more serious world of acting with Good Time , Lost City of Z , and Life - almost lost the famous role .

  9. 随后,他开始参与家族生意,并且因为把经营卫星电视业务的英国天空广播公司(BritishSkyBroadcasting)变成一家涉猎更广泛的电信企业而受到了广泛赞扬。

    He subsequently moved to the family business and was widely praised for turning British Sky Broadcasting , the satellite television company , into a broader communications company .

  10. 我自己尝试着遵循这条建议,它在罗伯特弗兰克(robertfrank)涉猎广泛的新书《经济自然主义者》(theeconomicnaturalist)中得到了优雅地论证。

    I try to follow this advice myself , and it is elegantly demonstrated in a wide-ranging new book from Robert Frank , the Economic Naturalist .

  11. DarrenZhu在许多高科技领域都有过涉猎,包括分子自旋电子学、治疗性药物开发等。

    Darren Zhu has conducted research in a wide range of cutting-edge areas , from molecular spintronics fabrication to therapeutic drug design .

  12. 该书还涉猎了AOL其余那些更为人所熟知的后来的经历。

    So it goes , The book treks through the rest of AOL 's more familiar latter-day experiences .

  13. 苹果永远紧紧聚焦于几种产品类别,而谷歌什么都想涉猎,JackdawResearch的简·道森(JanDawson)表示。

    Where Apple is always very focused on a few product categories , Google wants to be in everything , says Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research .

  14. 比如法国金融家大卫·大卫-维尔(DavidDavid-Weill,1871-1952),对装饰艺术(ArtDeco)、18世纪家具、印象派画家和早期大师作品、巴洛克雕塑和拜占庭艺术品都有涉猎。

    The French financier David David-Weill ( 1871-1952 ) , for example , had a taste for Art Deco and 18th-century furniture , Impressionist and old master paintings , Baroque sculpture and Byzantine objects .

  15. 乔什•斯蒂尔曼,涉猎广泛的天使投资人,包括投资团购聚合网站Yipit

    Joshua stylman , wide ranging angel investor including in yipit

  16. 人工智能合作组织(PAI)在一份声明中表示,百度近年来已发展成为一个多元化的技术集团,在自动驾驶、智能辅助和人工智能平台服务方面都有涉猎。

    The Partnership on AI ( PAI ) said in a statement that Baidu had , in recent years , evolved into a diverse technology conglomerate , with ventures in autonomous driving , smart assistance and AI platform services .

  17. 《滚石》杂志将Diplo形容为“潮流缔造者的领班”,是“电子乐的守护者”。而这位DJ不仅才华横溢,而且机敏帅气,个人爱好也涉猎广泛。

    Described by Rolling Stone magazine as the " tastemaker 's tastemaker " and " the ultimate sonic curator , " Diplo is talented , savvy and good-looking , with unusually diversified skills and interests .

  18. 开发过程中,我涉猎了大量不同的技术并参考了许多架构模型,直到EurekaJ第一个版本发布。

    During the development process I looked into a range of different technologies and have visited a number of architectural models before I ending up with what is the first release of EurekaJ .

  19. JaneCorbin是二十世纪90年代开始干水产业的,因为国家和联邦机构的鼓励,美国南部的其他烟农也尝试涉猎这个行业。

    The Corbins also raise cattle along with flowers , vegetables and other crops . Jane Corbin got into aquaculture in the late nineteen nineties . Other tobacco farmers in the American South gave it a try because state and federal agencies were encouraging a change .

  20. 特里·伊格尔顿(TERRYEAGLETON,1943&)是当代英国著名的西方马克思主义理论批评家。他著作等身,涉猎范围极广,在文艺理论、文学批评、文化研究及美学等领域都取得了丰硕的成果。

    Terry Eagleton ( 1943 - ), as a well-known contemporary British literary critic of Western Marxism , rich in publications and wide in scopes of research , has made great achievements in the field of literary theory and criticism , cultural studies as well as aesthetics .

  21. 生于匈牙利的犹太作家、大屠杀(Holocaust)集中营的幸存者、同为诺贝尔文学奖得主的凯尔泰斯•伊姆雷(KertészImre)说:“虽然我们不曾涉猎同样的题材,但我们是朋友,我们相互尊重。”

    Imre Kertesz , a Hungarian-born ­ Jewish writer and Holocaust concentration camp survivor who also won a literature Nobel , said : " We did not deal with the same subjects but we were friends and we had mutual respect . "

  22. 双子座随时准备学习,短篇小说、教育性书籍、小说或卡通读物无不涉猎,但也比较容易厌倦,可能一天之内就读了从莎士比亚、厄普代克到西蒙-辛格的书,而且最后还把C.S.刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》浏览了一遍。

    Bored easily and always ready to learn , the Twins will dive into short stories , educational books , fiction or cartoons . You 'll read anything from Shakespeare to Updike to Simon Singh and finish off the day by going through C.S. Lewis ' complete Chronicles of Narnia .

  23. 他涉猎甚广,书评和论文也洋洋可观。

    He read widely , and wrote innumerable reviews and articles .

  24. 涉猎者轻率地或者没有严肃目的地从事一项活动的人。

    One who engages in an activity superficially or without serious intent .

  25. 平面造型艺术的涉猎者;脉冲氦氖激光平板干涉仪

    A dabbler in the graphic arts ; pulsed He-Ne laser planeplate interferometer

  26. 她从小就酷爱阅读&书籍、杂志,无不涉猎。

    She read avidly from an early age-books , magazines , anything .

  27. 但实际上,她涉猎的范围要广得多。

    She has ranged , in fact , much wider .

  28. 与此同时,奥斯汀市也在涉猎半导体以外的行业。

    Meanwhile , the city is branching out from semiconductors .

  29. 那他也是个有教养的人,对几种文字涉猎甚广。

    He was a cultivated man , widely read in several languages .

  30. 你应该涉猎一下绘画或舞蹈。

    You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing .