
piāo qiè
  • plagiarize;lift;plunder
剽窃 [piāo qiè]
  • (1) [plagiarize]∶抄袭[别人的思想或言词];采用[创作出的产品] 而不说出其来源

  • 他的一本学术著作曾被厚颜无耻地剽窃,并以缩写形式发行

  • (2) [plunder]∶掠夺

剽窃[piāo qiè]
  1. 随着信息技术的普及和Internet的飞速发展,人们可以越来越容易的从Internet获取各种电子文档资源,但同时也可以方便地采用复制粘贴操作来剽窃电子文档的内容。

    With the popular of Information Technology and the rapid development of Internet , people can easier and easier get all kinds of resource from Internet and can easily plagiarize the content of e-documents with a " cut and paste " approach .

  2. 另一些人则试图证明他们没有剽窃。

    Others can try to show that they did not plagiarize .

  3. 他被指控剽窃同事的成果。

    He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague 's results .

  4. 曾有过关于剽窃的指控。

    There were accusations of plagiarism .

  5. 一名作家正控告导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格涉嫌剽窃了他的电影创意。

    A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea

  6. 现在他是真遇到麻烦了。他被指控剽窃。

    Now he 's in real trouble . He 's accused of plagiarism .

  7. 那名研究生被指责剽窃其教授的观点拿去发表。

    The postgraduate student stands accused of stealing his professor 's ideas and publishing them as his own .

  8. 此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其他作者的。

    Long passages in this textbook have been lifted from other authors .

  9. 霍格说,剽窃并不像很多人认为的那样是个大问题。

    Hogg says that scooping is less of a problem than many think .

  10. 早些时候,美国的时尚也是遵循着巴黎的规范,甚至照搬和剽窃特定的法国设计。

    In an earlier time , American fashion had also followed the dictates of Paris , or even copied and pirated specific French designs .

  11. “这是分享和获得好评之间的平衡点,同时也能打击剽窃行为,”丹麦夏洛腾隆国家水产资源研究秘书处的项目协调人伊福·格里戈罗夫说道。

    This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , " This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , while discouraging plagiarism . " says Ivo Grigorov , a project coordinator at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources Research Secretariat in Charlottenlund , Denmark .

  12. 一些学术作品里充满了剽窃来的思想和文本

    Some academic works are not full of plagiarisms .

  13. 剽窃者老是怀疑自己的东西会被偷走

    Plagiarist is always suspicious of is steal from .

  14. 从今年起,教育管理部门将对本科毕业论文进行抽检,以打击剽窃、代写及其他形式的学术不端行为。如何抽检?

    Starting this year , Chinese education authorities will institute random , ghostwriting , and other forms of academic misconduct .

  15. 默多克本人对谷歌(Google)和其它搜索网站剽窃内容的行为进行了抨击。

    Murdoch himself launched an assault on Google and other aggregators for stealing content .

  16. 麻省理工学院将剽窃看得非常严重:在这个课程中如果你剽窃会自动得到F等级,而且会记录进你的档案中;

    MIT takes plagiarism seriously : Plagiarism in this class will result in an automatic F and a letter in your file ;

  17. 可以说Internet这一开放性平台在使人们能够方便、快速、高效地获取各种电子文档资源的同时,也成为了剽窃者窃取信息的温床。

    It can be said that the opened Internet platform make the people conveniently get all kinds of electronic documents resources and , at the same time , is a hotbed of plagiarizers who steal information .

  18. 为了专栏,我在剽窃CNBC的一个创意。

    I 'm stealing an idea for a column from CNBC .

  19. 上周三霉霉在BillboardMusicAwards上面的表演剽窃了碧昂斯2018Coachella音乐节演唱会?

    Did Taylor Swift 's Billboard Music Awards performance on last Wednesday night rip off Beyonc é 's 2018 's Coachella show ?

  20. AndrewJones在推特上说:“梅姨剽窃了我的婚礼舞蹈,这是梅姨版的‘我本该提前一小时睡觉’。”

    Andrew Jones joked : ' Theresa May has stolen my ' I should have gone to bed at least an hour ago ' wedding dance . '

  21. 去年,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)丢了一回面子,被迫登报承认一个年轻记者杰森•布莱尔(JaysonBlair)剽窃和捏造新闻。

    Last year , The New York Times suffered the humiliation of having to acknowledge in print that one of its young reporters , Jayson Blair , had plagiarised and fabricated stories .

  22. 协议的实现,有效防止了OMADRMV2中可能存在的剽窃行为,以及DoS(denialofservice)拒绝服务攻击和重放攻击。

    The protocol can prevent possible acts of plagiarism in the OMA DRM v2 effectively , as well as Denial of Service attacks and replay attacks .

  23. 苹果的律师团目前正努力证明,苹果在iPhone和iPad方面的创新史无前例,并且在当时具有一定的风险性,另一方面也试图证明,三星电子剽窃了苹果的设计。

    Apple 's lawyers are trying to prove Apple 's iPhone and iPad innovations were unprecedented and risky as they try to prove Samsung ripped off their designs .

  24. 然而,正如MichaelAstor在本文中报道的,巴西阻碍这种“生物剽窃”风险的工作在窒息着当地和国外的研究。

    As Michael Astor reports in this article , however , Brazilian efforts to deter such'biopiracy'risk stifling both local and foreign research .

  25. Caruso还剽窃我的演讲呢他还不如我

    Caruso stole my speech . He 's no better than me .

  26. 美国罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的教授唐•麦凯布(DonMcCabe)对商学院学生的剽窃活动展开了广泛的调查。

    Don McCabe , a professor at Rutgers Business School in the US , has conducted extensive research into plagiarism among business school students .

  27. 在没有指明出处的情况下,他剽窃了乔治•巴顿将军(GeneralGeorgeS.Patton)的话,并笨拙地用它们激励那些存在抵触情绪的管道工程师团队。

    He had lifted the words of General George S. Patton with no attribution , and clumsily adapted them to spur on his team of recalcitrant pipeline engineers .

  28. Winnowing算法和动态规划算法在作业剽窃检测中的应用和比较

    Application and Comparison of the Winnowing Algorithm and the Dynamic Programming Algorithm in Assignment Plagiarism Detection

  29. 苹果试图证明三星剽窃了自己的设计,而三星则力图向陪审团证明,自己的产品与苹果的不同,并且苹果是受索尼公司(SonyCorp.)产品的启发研发出iPhone和iPad的。

    Apple is trying to prove that Samsung copied its designs , while Samsung is demonstrating to the jury that its devices are different and that Apple was inspired by Sony Corp. 's SNE + 3.56 % products .

  30. 除此之外,OMRAS还能够帮助防止不经意发生的侵犯版权行为,例如一个作曲家误把别人的作品当作自己的灵感而出现的剽窃行为。

    On top of that , OMRAS could help to prevent accidental copyright infringements , in which a composer lifts somebody else 's work without realising his inspiration is second-hand .
