
  1. 华北青白口系下马岭组凝灰岩锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the tuff bed in the Xiamaling Formation of the Qingbaikouan System in North China

  2. 数值模拟评价表明马岭中区Y10油藏和樊家川Y9油藏是实施聚合物驱的最佳区块。

    A digital simulation appraisal shows that the reservoirs of formation Y10 in Middle Malin and of Y9 in Fanjiachuan are the most conformable ones to polymer flood .

  3. 马岭油田延安组延十段小层沉积相研究

    Sublayer Sedimentary Fades in Section 10th of Yan'an Formation of Mating Oilfield

  4. 在马岭油田中一区开展了储层流动单元的划分和剩余油分布的研究。

    Division of the reservoir flow units of Zhong-1 block in Maling Oilfield ;

  5. 走马岭隧道通过方斗山背斜可溶岩地区,岩溶发育强烈。

    Zoumaling tunnel passes through the Fangdoushan anticline where the karst development is strong .

  6. 马岭低渗油藏孔隙结构对水驱油效率的影响

    The effect of pore structure on water drive efficiency in the Malin oil field

  7. 马岭油田北三区储层敏感性分析及氧化深穿透酸化解堵增注工艺研究

    Sensitivity analysis of reservoir at the North 3rd zone of Malin oilfield and its acidizing plug removal technology

  8. 油源对比表明,马岭油田原油的源岩为延长组烃源岩,特别是长7油层组烃源岩。

    The comparison study shows that source the crude oils of the Maling oilfield are derived from Yanchang Formation source rocks , especially from Chang-7 subformation .

  9. 走马岭隧道岩体结构特征和围岩稳定性研究,为优化设计参数,提高施工质量提供理论指导,对保证施工安全以及优化设计具有重要工程实践意义。

    Study on the characters of rock mass condition and the stability of surrounding rock has great practical significance to optimize design parameter and to advance construction quality .

  10. 对长庆油田101站和马岭42井注入水、原油及油水混合样品中可引起金属管材腐蚀的细菌进行分离、鉴定。

    Bacteria induced corrosion of metal tubular goods were isolated and purified from injected water , sludge and oil of 101 station and 42 # waterflooding well in Changqing oilfield .

  11. 赛前,朝韩的滑雪运动员还将在朝鲜的马息岭滑雪场(Masikryongskiresort)一起训练。

    Before the games , skiers from the two teams will also train together at the North 's Masikryong ski resort .

  12. 报道了采自海南省白沙县马域岭的中国弄蝶科一新记录属、种,即达弄蝶属DarpaMoore和达弄蝶D。

    One genus and species of the skippers are reported as new to China , i.e. , Darpa Moore and D.

  13. 右图:同一时间朝鲜士兵在位于马息岭的山顶滑雪场建设基地工作着。

    Meanwhile , North Korean soldiers work on a mountaintop ski slope construction site in DPRK 's Masik Pass , right .