
è nì
  • hiccup;hiccough;hiccup singultation
呃逆 [è nì]
  • [hiccup;hiccough] 因横膈痉挛而呼吸顿促,可分为寒呃、热呃、气呃、痰呃、瘀呃、虚呃六种

呃逆[è nì]
  1. 胸痛、胸闷、心悸、冠状动脉供血不足,哮喘、呃逆等

    Chest pain and stuffiness , palpitation , ischemia of coronary artery , asthma , hiccup , etc.

  2. 昂丹司琼和托烷司琼致化学疗法病人顽固性呃逆20例

    Ondansetron and tropisetron induced refractory hiccup in 20 patients with chemotherapeutics

  3. 28例次行PSE后均出现发热,27例次出现左上腹痛,4例次呃逆,2例次少量胸腔积液,均经保守治疗消失。

    28 times of fever treated by PSE , 27 times of bellyache , 4 times of eructation , 2 times of a little thoracic cavity hydrops , and all the symptoms disappeared after treatment .

  4. 刺激咽喉法治疗脑卒中并发顽固性呃逆患者的体会

    Experience of throat stimulation in treating obstinate singultus incurred by stroke

  5. 针药并治中风后顽固性呃逆28例

    28 Cases of Refractoriness Vomit after Stroke with Acupuncture and Medicine

  6. 强力推拿按压膻中穴治疗顽固性呃逆16例

    Intensive Massage on Tanzhong Point for 16 Cases of Obstinate Hiccup

  7. 鼻针治疗顽固性呃逆的临床疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Intractable Hiccup by Nose Acupuncture

  8. 针药并用治疗颅脑手术后顽固性呃逆40例

    40 Post-Craniotomy Patients with Obstinate Belching Treated with Needling and Herbals

  9. 轻摩软腭法治疗手术后顽固性呃逆的效果观察

    Effect of Gentle Plate Message on the Persistent Hiccup After Operation

  10. 针灸治疗顽固性呃逆54例疗效观察

    Acupuncture Treatment for Obstinate Hiccup : An Observation of 54 Cases

  11. 三种神经阻滞方法治疗顽固性呃逆疗效对比观察

    Comparison the efficacy of three nerve block treating continued hiccup

  12. 氧氟沙星注射液致严重呃逆2例

    Severe hiccup in association with ofloxacin injection in 2 cases

  13. 腕踝针治疗呃逆30例临床观察

    Curative Effect of Carpus-Ankle Acupuncture on 30 Cases of Hiccup

  14. 结论:乙哌立松对顽固性呃逆的治疗安全、有效。

    CONCLUSION : Eperisone therapy for intractable hiccup is safe and effective .

  15. 结论乙酰唑胺是治疗顽固性呃逆较为有效的药物。

    Conclusion Diamox is an effective medicine for intractable hiccup .

  16. 结论腕踝针对呃逆有非常显著的疗效。

    Conclusion Carpus - ankle acupuncture has a curative effect on hiccup .

  17. 阿普唑仑治疗药源性顽固性呃逆疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Alprazolam on Drug - induced Intractable Hiccup

  18. 穴位注射山莨菪碱治疗重型颅脑损伤并发顽固性呃逆138例

    Point-injection Anisodamine Treating 138 Cases of Severe Craniocerebral Injury Complicated Obstinate Hiccup

  19. 喉癌术后患者并发呃逆的护理对策

    Nursing countermeasure of hiccup in postoperative patients of laryngeal cancer

  20. 呃逆在术后期间很令人烦恼。

    Hiccups can be very annoying in the postoperative period .

  21. 目的探讨重度顽固性呃逆的发病原因。

    Objective To investigate the cause of refractory hiccups .

  22. 目的:观察乙哌立松对顽固性呃逆的疗效及安全性。

    AIM : To observe the effect of eperisone on the intractable hiccup .

  23. 利多卡因联合甲氧氯普胺治疗顽固性呃逆辽效观察

    Effect of obstinate hiccup treatment with Lidocaine united Metoclopramide

  24. 青霉素致顽固性呃逆1例

    A case report of obstinate hiccups caused by penicillin

  25. 中药配合穴位注射治疗脑出血后顽固性呃逆32例

    Chinese Medications plus Point Injection for 32 Cases Obstinate Hiccup from Cerebral Hemorrhage

  26. 本产品用作呃逆治疗的医疗设备。

    The utility model can be used as medical equipment for hiccup therapy .

  27. 穴位埋线治疗顽固性呃逆32例临床观察

    Clinical Observations on Treatment of 32 Intractable Hiccup Patients by Point Catgut Embedding

  28. 针刺不同留针时间治疗顽固性呃逆临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of stubborn hiccup by acupuncture with different needle-retaining time

  29. 慢性呃逆是一不易治疗的疾病,其发生机制尚不明确。

    Chronic hiccup is an intractable disease and its pathogenesis is still unclear .

  30. 他忽然打了一阵呃逆。

    He suddenly had an attack of the hiccups .