
  • 网络taiyang wind stroke;Attrack of Taiyang channel by wind
  1. 试论桂枝证与太阳中风证的关系

    Relationship Between Guizhi Syndrome and Taiyang Wind-Stroke Syndrome

  2. 结果《伤寒论》中“太阳中风证”与“桂枝汤证”两种证候概念的关系只是“相容关系”不是“等同”关系。

    Result The relation between WAST and GDS , two concepts of syndrome manifestations , is not an equal relation but an inter-tolerance relation .

  3. 根据《伤寒论》原文及后世医家的注解,剖析桂枝证与太阳中风证的关系。

    Based upon the original texts of Shang Han Lun and later annotations , this paper expounds the relationship between Guizhi syndrome and Taiyang wind-stroke syndrome .

  4. 方法以逻辑学的方法考察《伤寒论》中太阳中风证与桂枝汤证两种证候概念的差异。

    Method To use the logical method to examine the difference between wind-attack syndrome of Taiyang ( WAST ) and Guizhi Decoction syndrome ( GDS ) in the book of " Shanghan Lun " .

  5. 独取太阳经穴治疗中风偏瘫55例疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Taiyang Channel Points for Treating Apoplectic Hemiplegia of 55 cases