
  • 【地名】【西班牙】Puerta del Sol
  1. 太阳门地铁站的入口处贴满了手写的要求、建议和请愿。

    The entrance to the Sol metro station was plastered with handwritten demands , proposals and petitions .

  2. 这里也是从太阳门进入这座城市的印加古道之旅的尽头。

    It is also the end of the famous Inca Trail , which enters the city through the Sun Gate .

  3. 在西班牙,抗议者占领在马德里市中心的太阳门广场,复制了之前开罗解放广场的抗议活动。

    In Spain , protesters occupied the Puerta del Sol square in central Madrid , copying the earlier protests in Cairo 's Tahrir Square .

  4. 在马德里有一个古老习俗:人们站在内政部前的太阳门前,当大钟敲响12点的时候,他们就一口气吞下12颗葡萄。

    in front of the Department of the Interior , where a huge clock strikes the hours , and to swallow , at the stroke of twelve , twelve grapes one after the other .

  5. 正当动物们离开该首都最著名的广场太阳门时,农夫杰洛尼姆‧贾西亚指著一些体格壮硕的动物解释道:「这些是从离马德里北方二十公里的科梅纳尔比艾霍来的。」

    " These ones come from Colmenar Viejo , about20km north of Madrid ," explained farmer Geronimo Garcia , pointing to a few beasts as they left the Puerta del Sol , the capital city 's most famous square .