
  • 网络Red spider lily;Lycoris radiata;Lycoris radiata Herb
  1. 对红花石蒜的组织培养品与野生品进行了初步的化学成分对比。

    The results of the experiment show that the chemical constituents of wild Lycoris radiata and its cultivated tissues are basically same .

  2. 红花石蒜LycorisradiataHerb为石蒜科石蒜属植物,广泛分布于中国长江流域以南各省区。

    Lycoris radiata Herb , is a plant of Lycoris Herb . ( Amaryllidaceae ) with a wide distribution in the most provinces in the south of the Yangtze River .

  3. 施肥对红花石蒜物质积累和分配的影响

    Effect of Fertilization on Accumulation and Distribution of Lycoris radiate Matter

  4. 在红花石蒜不同生长发育期进行八分法切割繁殖,研究无性繁殖系数和子球生物学性状差异性。

    Studies were made on the vegetative propagation coefficient and cormels biological characters using eighth-excision in different development phase of Lycoris radiate .