
yì rán
  • resolutely;resolute;determinedly;firmly;firm
毅然 [yì rán]
  • [resolute;firm] 刚强坚韧而果断的样子

  • 他毅然和那几个不走正道的腻友分了手

毅然[yì rán]
  1. 他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。

    He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely .

  2. 除了完颜阿骨打毅然拒绝了这个要求,其他人都照做了。

    everyone obeyed except Akutta of the Wanyan tribe , who resolutely defied the order .

  3. 她毅然走过来,要我向她道歉。

    She marched over to me and demanded an apology .

  4. 一个木匠毅然提议用木头来抗敌是最佳的方法;

    a carpenter decided1 to propose to the enemy using wood is the best method ;

  5. n.坚忍;刚毅她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。

    fortitude She could bear the disap-pointments of other people with tolerable fortitude .

  6. 虽然她认为自己已经具备就任首席执行官的条件,但是要等雪佛龙当时的CEO大卫•欧雷利退休还需数年的时间,因此,她在2006年2月毅然辞掉了那份工作。

    Ready for a CEO position , but realizing that then-chevron CEO David O'Reilly was several years from retiring , she stepped down from her position in February 2006 .

  7. 但在2004年,为了“迫使自己走出舒适区”,博比奇毅然前往伦敦,成为Skype最早的一批员工之一。

    But then , she moved to London in 2004 to " push my comfort zone , " becoming one of Skype 's earliest employees .

  8. 成立NationWasteInc.公司的时候,她并没有感到害怕。22岁的时候,里奥斯刚刚从休斯敦大学(theUniversityofHouston)毕业几个月就贷款购买了两辆卡车,毅然投身由男性主导的垃圾处理行业。

    She was not intimidated when she started Nation Waste Inc. At just 22 , months after graduating from the University of Houston , she took out loans and purchased two trucks , jumping into the male-dominated waste-removal industry .

  9. 我想起了菲利浦拉金(philiplarkin)写给她教女的诗,他在诗中并不希望她拥有美貌或特殊的天赋,而是毅然地希望她能平凡。

    I think of the poem that Philip Larkin wrote for his goddaughter where he wishes her not beauty or exceptional gifts but rather daringly ordinariness .

  10. 他最令人难忘的是20世纪90年代中期,Modell毅然决定,将乌鸦队迁至Baltimore。

    Modell was in honor for four decades for being best remembered for moving the Season Ground to Baltimore in the mid-1990s . 4 .

  11. 在他看见已是老头样的Saito在这以后,谈判接着通过我们在一着手看见的,在那时他毅然一直戴着婚戒。

    After he meets Saito as an old man , the conversation continues past what we saw in the beginning , yet even here he is wearing a WEDDING RING still .

  12. 去年年底,27岁的吉米•斯科蒂(KimmyScotti)终于毅然采取行动,向她所在的那家纽约市场营销公司的老板提出了加薪和升职要求。

    Late last year , Kimmy Scotti finally took the plunge : She asked her boss for a raise and promotion at the New York marketing firm where she works .

  13. 于是,1961年的一天傍晚,他走进了BancoAtlántico在巴塞罗那的总部,以他毅然的决心打动了该行的首席执行官,从而获得了人生中第一份银行业的工作。

    So one evening in 1961 he walked into the headquarters of the Banco Atl á ntico in Barcelona and so impressed the chief executive with his evident determination that he secured the first of his many jobs in banking .

  14. 最后,他们毅然决定结婚。

    They finally decided to take the plunge and get married .

  15. 可是他们毅然地工作,共同维持家业。

    But they worked manfully to keep the house together .

  16. 我将毅然走进那黑暗森林的最深处。

    I 'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest .

  17. 不过两人都毅然承担了相应责任(这是日本式公司责任在中国的体现)。

    ( Japanese style corporate accountability comes to China . )

  18. 国家必须做好准备毅然正视这困难的年代。

    The nation must gird up its loins to face these difficult times .

  19. 这位大臣毅然辞职,维护了自己在公众心目中的声誉。

    The minister redeemed himself in the eyes of the public by resigning .

  20. 所以它们毅然决定离开地球。

    So they eventually decided they would leave earth by their own means .

  21. 所以他要求他的弟子们切戒和毅然弃绝这些毫无哲理的诱惑。

    and in consequence exhorted his followers to abstain from such unphilosophical stimulants .

  22. 她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。

    IT have to bear the disappointments of otIT human with tolerable fortitude .

  23. 为了避免自己再次掉入短期收养又被抛弃的恶性循环中,梦露毅然和男朋友结了婚。

    Rather than face returning to the system , Marilyn married her boyfriend .

  24. 无法忍受他的背叛,毅然结束婚姻。

    I could not bear his infidelity , so I ended our marriage .

  25. 慢步徐行,却毅然向前,从不止息,

    Urging slowly , surely forward , forming endless ,

  26. 可是他安排好手头的事务,把家具装了箱,毅然上路了。

    He arranged his affairs , packed up his ffirniture , and started .

  27. 她毅然踏上去纽约的旅途。

    She braved the journey to new york .

  28. 如果爱已变成苦酒,就毅然地放下执着。

    If the love becomes to the bitter wine , and put down determinedly .

  29. 他不顾所有的关于他的任务危险性的警告,毅然前进。

    He went ahead D.regardless of all warnings about the danger of his mission .

  30. 她毅然地走进来要求向她道歉。

    She marched in and demanded an apology .