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  1. 如果订货等于或超过100件,我司会给予特别的1.5%折扣。

    On order for100 pieces or more we are allow a special discount for1.5 % .

  2. 如果您的订单量很大的话,我司会准备提高折扣。

    If an order is exceptional large , we are prepared to increase the discount .

  3. 为了杜绝此类事情的再次发生,我司会在以后发运前再次检查标签,给你带来的不便表示歉意。

    To prevent the recurrence of the situation alike , we will check out the lable ahead of the delivery , and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause .

  4. 众所周知,司他汀会造成肌肉疼痛和肝功能异常;

    Statins are known to cause muscle aches and liver dysfunction ;

  5. 市政会今年司能会超支。

    The Council seems likely to overspend this year .

  6. 我司可能会将您的资金和其他客户的资金存储在一个银行账户内。

    We may hold your money and the money of other clients in a pooled bank account .

  7. 然而,财政司司长会在制订财政预算案时考虑各项税务建议。

    Nevertheless , the financial secretary will consider all the proposals relating to taxation in preparing the budget .

  8. 按公共财政条例,财政司司长会在下一财政年度开始前,将有关的拨款条例草案提交立法会。

    Under the public finance ordinance , the financial secretary will table the relevant Appropriation Bill to the Legislative Council before the commencement of the next financial year .

  9. 最重要的也许是,司改会的实习给了我社会与法律间授权关系的概念,而这是我在美国连作梦都想不到的。

    Perhaps most important of all , working at the Judicial Reform Foundation has provided me with a sense of social and legal empowerment I never dreamed possible back home .

  10. 众所周知,司他汀会造成肌肉疼痛和肝功能异常;当患者拿到自己的药方时,在印刷的用法说明书上这两种可能性的警告显而易见。

    Statins are known to cause muscle aches and liver dysfunction ; warnings of both possibilities are prominent in the printed instructions patients get when they pick up their prescriptions .

  11. 1923年,肖特先生也把他在肖特玻璃厂的股份交给了卡尔蔡司管理基金会。

    In1923 Schott also added his stock shares in the Glass Works to the foundation .

  12. 赛司:什么课会对这类事件有帮助?

    Seth : What kind of class can help with this kind of thing ?

  13. 总祈祷意向:愿平信徒和基督徒团体成为司铎和修会圣召负责任的推动者。

    General : That the laity and the Christian communities may be responsible promoters of priestly and religious vocations .

  14. 他应在第八天,将这一切送交司祭,在会幕门口于上主面前为自己取洁。

    And he shall offer them on the eighth day of his purification to the priest , at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony before the Lord .

  15. 他的子孙中凡接位当司祭,进会幕在圣所行礼的,应七天之久穿这些圣衣。

    He of his sons that shall be appointed high priest in his stead , and that shall enter into the tabernacle of the testimony to minister in the sanctuary , shall wear it seven days .