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  1. 扫了一眼我们的餐桌后,他拿来的酒正合心意,如果我们能用语言表达出来的话。

    He sized up our table at a glance and brought us just the wine we might have asked for if we had been able to put our wishes into words .

  2. 现在的文君酒也正是纪念了这段美好真挚的爱情。

    And the present Wenjun liquor also is the memory of this beautiful and sincere love .

  3. 设想着那香槟酒自助餐正等着他们的那番情景,他的心都被吊起来了。

    Much of his mind was taken up with visualizing the champagne buffet waiting for them .

  4. 我碰见他喝了酒,正高兴的时候,我要他发誓保守秘密,并把我的事情原原本本地告诉了他。

    Getting him in a favourable stage of drink , I pledged him to secrecy , and told him my whole story .

  5. 我早就警告过他不能喝这么多酒,现在正是酒害了他。

    I told him drinking rum would kill him , and it nearly has .

  6. 辛弃疾的四位一体诗酒人生范式正是中国精英知识分子诗酒人生的典型代表,具有强烈的悲剧意味。

    The article unveiled the " 4 in 1 " alcohol-poem life model of XIN Qi-ji , which was the representation of alcohol-poem lives of Chinese elite intellectuals and emitted strong tragedy odor .

  7. 正在这时李甫西大夫来看我父亲,他看了看老船长后对我母亲说:他的心脏受不了这个。我早就警告过他不能喝这么多酒,现在正是酒害了他。

    At that moment Dr Livesey arrived to see my father . He looked at the captain and said to my mother : ' His heart can 't take much more of this . I told him drinking rum would kill him , and it nearly has .

  8. 现如今,新一代烈性酒生产商们正为鸡尾酒爱好者们打造具有创意的品牌。

    Today a new generation of spirit entrepreneurs is originating innovative brands for cocktail drinkers .

  9. 未提及酒,而酒正增加了人体对水的需求。

    No mention was made of alcohol , however , which increases the body 's water needs .

  10. 其它酒商表示,波尔多葡萄酒库存太多,酒商们正设法将其转手。

    Other merchants say Bordeaux has so much stock that merchants are trying to move it on .

  11. 酩悦在宁夏酒庄的经理沈旸指着去年生产了5万箱酒的巨大容器说,酩悦正在进行一项长期投资,目的是要让中国懂葡萄酒的白领人士能够喝到更多的气泡酒,目前正进行到第一阶段。

    Pointing out the giant tanks used to produce 50000 cases last year , the estate director , Shen Yang , says Chandon is in the first phase of a long-term investment aimed at getting China 's white-collar professionals to drink more sparkling wine .