
jùn fǎ yuàn
  • county court;sheriff court
  1. 查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。

    Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears .

  2. 郡法院主要是民事法院。

    County Court are primarily civil law courts .

  3. 在郡法院诉讼费由法院决定。

    In county courts costs are in the discretion of the court .

  4. 最终战役将在郡法院展开。

    The final battle was about to be waged at the Fairview County Courthouse .

  5. 一名急救调度员表示,枪杀发生地离郡法院只有不到一个街区的距离。

    An emergency dispatcher says the shooting took place within a block of the county courthouse .

  6. 郡法院最初可以被当作国王用以平衡地方权势的制度装置。

    At first the prefecture court could be regarded as the institutional organ for the king to balance local powers .

  7. 苏格兰有三种刑事法院:(1)高级法院;(2)郡法院;(3)区法院。

    There are three criminal courts in Scotland . ( 1 ) the High Court of Justiciary ;( 2 ) the sheriff court ;( 3 ) the district court .

  8. 郡法院主要是民事法院。治安法庭也审理某些有限类型的民事案件。高等法院就是高级民事法院。

    County Court are primarily civil law courts . The magistrates ' court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases . The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court .

  9. 岁的热刺球迷蒂莫西-史密斯下周将会在哈林盖郡法院(伦敦北郊)因擅闯球场而接受审判,而赛后一同闯入球场的切尔西球迷拜伦-威尔金森当时被警方阻止。

    Timothy smith , the18-year-old Tottenham supporter , is to appear at Haringey magistrates court next week after being charged with encroaching on to the pitch while Byron wilkinson , the Chelsea fan who also ran on to the pitch after the game , was cautioned by police .

  10. 维克托说那条高速公路的通行权遵循西格拉摩根郡的法院档案中所规定的法律边界,那份档案中还列出了土地的各条分界线。

    Victor said the highway right-of-way followed the legal boundary as defined in the courthouse records for Shire of West Glamorgan , which listed the metes and bounds of the Estate .

  11. 郡政府已经申请法院代为收取上述税金。

    The county has petitioned the court on its behalf to reclaim these costs .