
  1. 英国博尔顿郡将很快见证其第一个零碳排放的地下住宅。

    Bolton Council in the United Kingdom may soon see the construction of its first zero-carbon underground home .

  2. 诺丁汉郡议会将削减200个工作岗位,以逃避地方税限额。

    Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped .

  3. 对于走马楼吴简的研究统计,可以反映出孙吴时期长沙郡吏民有将两姓合并表示婚姻的取名风俗。

    Statistical research of Zoumaluo Bamboo Slips show that the people of Changsa prefecture had custom of naming by combining two surnames to mark their marriages in Sun Wu period .

  4. 1985年的今天,美国副总统乔治·H·W·布什宣布新汉普郡老师克里斯蒂娜·麦克奥莉芙将成为首位登上航天飞船的在校老师。

    1985-US Vice President George H.W.Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle .

  5. 委员会在一份声明中称:初步检测结果得出一份牛肉产品中确实含有马肉的DNA之后,兰开夏郡议会就已将问题产品撤出这47所学校的食堂。

    In a statement the council said : Lancashire County Council has withdrawn a beef product from 47 school kitchens after it provisionally tested positive for traces of horse DNA .

  6. 但是麦克马洪也面临着窘境,在周三的晚上,FAYouthCup上与诺茨郡的比赛也将打响,这和一线队的比赛产生了冲突。

    McMahon will be faced by a dilemma come Wednesday as the first-team clash falls on the same evening as the re-scheduled FA Youth Cup tie at Notts County .

  7. 他现在是诺茨郡的经理,将在足总杯第3轮客场挑战桑德兰。

    He is now manager of Notts County , who play Sunderland in an FA Cup third-round tie at the Stadium of Light .

  8. 例如,据当地媒体报道,有些公司想将皇家方舟号在英格兰南部的德文郡海域沉没,将其改建为一艘潜水沉船。

    There are companies that want to sink Ark Royal off Devon , in the south of England , and turn her into a diving wreck , for example , according to local reports .