
  • 网络stock material
  1. 这是从LotusNotes文档创建库存材料(stockmaterial)的一种好方法。

    This is a great way to create stock material from Lotus Notes documents .

  2. 加强库存材料管理降低储备资金占用

    Enhance Stock Material Management and Reduce Reserve Fund Occupancy

  3. 分析核实所有库存材料的成本以及准确性。

    Review and analyze all inventory revaluation costs and verify for accuracy .

  4. 实验室资源管理数据库的开发与应用&库存材料帐目管理

    Development and Application of Laboratory Resource Management Database & Account Management of Stock Materials

  5. A:没什么问题,只库存材料太多了。

    A : No , we 're just getting a lot of material stock piled .

  6. 库存材料帐目的管理既要遵守财务管理制度,又要符合实验室信息化管理标准。

    Account management of stock materials not only abide financial rules and regulations , but also accord with the standard of laboratory information management .

  7. 对使用多年的DY&15地震钻机进行改进,并充分地利用库存材料,达到改善钻机性能、提高工作效率、降低成本的目的。

    In order to improving performance of seismic drilling rig , raising the working efficiency and reducing the cost , some modification was made to DY-15 seismic drilling rig by taking full use of materials .

  8. 加强库存材料的管理是企业财务管理的重要内容之一,它不仅影响到储备资金的占有,还影响到企业当期的利润。

    Enhancing stock material management is one of the importance works of enterprise financial management . The stock material management has effects on not only the reserve fund occupancy but also the current profits of enterprises .

  9. 因此,变压器生产受到来自库存原材料、外购零部件和企业自制零部件等物料供给的影响。

    Therefore , the transformer production has been limited by different materials supplies , such as the stored raw materials , purchased components and self-made spare parts .

  10. 它是建立在PDM基本框架之上,并且针对中小企业开发的集产品结构与配置管理、产品检验、库存管理、材料管理、合同管理和系统维护为一体的实用系统。

    On the discussion of the PDM basic-frame and based on small-and-medium-sized enterprise , establishes an integrated data management system , which covers product structure configuration , product examination , inventory management , materials management , contract management and system management .

  11. 在有限的生产资源下,通过不断提高产品的质量,增强生产的柔性,降低成本,降低产品的库存,增加材料和资金的周转率。

    We should enhance the production flexibility , lower the cost and reduce the inventory of the product , materials and funds to increase the turnover rate with limited production resources .

  12. 系统的数据库分为6个规则库和1个实例库,规则库是规则推理的基础,实例库存放模具材料的技术参数。

    The database of computer-aided selection system is divided into 6 rule bases and 1 case base . The rule base is the foundation of rule-based reasoning , while the material parameters of the die are stored in the case base .

  13. 针对中小型制造企业当前生产状况混乱、管理无秩序的现状,开发了面向中小型制造业集生产管理、产品检验、库存管理、材料管理、合同管理和系统维护为一体的管理信息系统。

    On the research of the disorderly working condition and management in small-and-medium-sized manufacture enterprises , we established an integrated management information system which covers product management , product examination , inventory management , material management , contract management and system maintenance .

  14. 供应链管理是打开市场、降低库存、完善原材料和零部件采购以及提高最终产品销售的关键。

    Supply chain management is the key in opening market , reducing the stock , perfecting purchasing of raw and parts materials , and is also indispensable in improving the level of last product sale .