
  1. 缺乏能够有效使用匿名内部类的Java库使问题更为明显。

    The dearth of Java libraries that effectively use anonymous inner classes make this problem manifest .

  2. 值得庆幸的是,Ming库使您可以轻松的使用图片,如下所示。

    Thankfully , the Ming library makes using images easy , as you can see below .

  3. 使用高级函数库使DOM更易于使用

    Use a library of higher-level functions to make DOM use easier

  4. 这个标记库使基于JSP的应用程序可以使用一个标准标记库来执行常见的任务。

    This tag library enables JSP-based applications to use a standard tag library to perform common tasks .

  5. 简言之:Seamremoting库使JSF可以实现它的创立者一向期望的交互设计。

    In short : The Seam remoting library enables JSF to achieve the interactive design that its creators had envisioned all along .

  6. 与其它开发串口通讯的方法相比,LabWindows/CVI中独有的、功能强大的RS232函数库使串口通讯更容易实现。

    Compared with other methods , the singularly and mighty RS232 Library in LabWindows / CVI makes it more easy to realize serial communication ?

  7. Proteus是一款功能强大的EDA软件,所配备的仿真元件库使其在电子设备的动态仿真方面具有其他仿真软件不可比拟的优越性;

    Proteus is a kind of powerful EDA simulation software . The large device library and the dynamic peripherals are the special advantages of this software .

  8. Kilim对角色模型的使用非常直观,稍后您将看到,该库使构建并发应用程序变得异常简单。

    Kilim 's approach to the actor model is intuitive , and as you 'll soon see , the library makes building concurrent applications a breeze .

  9. 去笋减库使叶、根的可溶性糖和淀粉含量稍有升高,对其他参数影响不大;

    Eliminating shoots led to slightly increase in soluble sugar and starch content of leaf , and no change in other variables .

  10. 在您删除了一个文件或一个文件夹之后,依然可以通过存储库使其还原,即便是已经提交了删除。

    After you 've deleted a file or a folder , you can still get it back from the repository , even after you 've committed it .

  11. 人工授粉增库使茎和叶可溶性糖和淀粉含量降低、根的升高,砂仁产量显著提高;

    Artificially pollinating resulted in decrease in soluble sugar and starch content of leaf and stem , but increase of root , which led to significant increasing in yield .

  12. 剪叶、断根减源还使茎叶鞘贮存物质残留率和穗位叶中叶绿素含量降低,剪穗减库使茎叶鞘贮存物质残留率和穗位叶中叶绿素含量增加。

    Reducing source through cutting leaf and cutting root can decrease the residual ratio in stem-sheath and the chlorophyll content of leaf , on the contrary reducing sink through cutting spike can increase the residual ratio in stem-sheath and the chlorophyll content of leaf .

  13. Java有一个健壮的格式化库,使数字的格式化变得非常简单。

    Java has a robust formatting library to make formatting numbers easy .

  14. 而这些类,通过我们的核心通讯库,使你能够借助强大的面向对象环境来连接到webservice。

    And this classes , by using our core communication library , make you able to connect to that web service with a powerful object oriented environment .

  15. 另外,重写标准库帮助使PHP更符合其同一Web语系,例如Java™编程语言。

    In addition , the reworking of the standard libraries helped bring PHP more in line with its cousin Web languages , such as the Java ™ programming language .

  16. 经过不同版本的改进,Ant已发展成一个丰富的功能库,使其成为适用于许多场合的合适工具。

    As Ant has progressed through various versions , it has developed a rich library of function that makes it the appropriate tool in many cases .

  17. 我们提出了几个使用DOM的基本原则和指南,并创建一个函数库以使我们的工作更容易。

    We present a few basic principles and guidelines for DOM usage , and create a library of functions to make life easier .

  18. 也必须更改其信任存储库,使之只包含WebSEAL正在使用的客户端证书。

    You also must alter its trust store to include only the client certificate that WebSEAL is using .

  19. 必须配置应用服务器Web容器以执行客户机证书身份验证。还必须更改其信任存储库,使之只包含WebSEAL正在使用的客户机证书。

    The application server Web container must be configured to perform client certificate authentication , and its trust store must be altered to include only the client certificate that WebSEAL is using .

  20. 采集系统集成规则引擎组件,建立Agent的智能规则库,使源数据库的数据变更,同规则库中规则比对后定义采集工程,实现基于规则的数据采集传输。

    The data acquisition system integrated inerratic engine components , built Agent intelligent rule base , made the source data get change , and defined the acquisition projects through compared the rules of the inerratic base , realized data transmission based on rules .

  21. 编写SNMP代码可能是一项非常单调乏味的活动,但是通过IPython来使用Net-SNMP库将使其变得非常有趣。

    Writing SNMP code can be a very tedious activity , but the Net-SNMP library with IPython makes it quite fun .

  22. 把专家的运行经验,总结成知识库,使整个系统更加智能化。

    Combining with the expert experience , the system is highly intelligent .

  23. 注册机制通过建立一个共享的注册信息库,使贸易伙伴之间可以通过这些注册的信息发现对方并进行交易,从而有效地解决了这个难题。

    The registry service mechanism can solve this problem by providing a sharing information in repository .

  24. 据库,使您瞬间即可拥有一间完美的网店,轻轻松松做老板。

    According to the library , make you instantly can have a perfect online , unwind bosses .

  25. 政府应尽快分类打造和完善公民信息库,使公民信息查询成为政府的日常服务项目。

    The government should build and improve citizens'information base and make it a daily service for people to search .

  26. 如果没有其它因素的话,有助于此的库不会使程序员在编写一个应用程序时考虑是否采用两种(或更多)语言。

    If nothing else , libraries that facilitated this would not require programmers to think about two ( or more ) languages when writing one application .

  27. 幸运的是,面向对象程序设计语言并不只是有其语法和一个编译器,而是有一个完整的开发环境包含一个被设计良好并且专业的库,使调用对象变得很简单。

    Successful OOP languages incorporate not just language syntax and a compiler , but an entire development environment including a significant library of well-designed , easy to use objects .

  28. 总之,建议大力发展地下储气库,使其成为陆上管道天然气调峰的首要方式;

    It is advisable to devote significant effort to the development of the underground gas storage tanks and make them the leading option for the pipeline gas peak adjustment .

  29. 采用多知识包结构和两类索引组织知识库,使知识库易于扩充、维护、修改与检索;

    By the techniques of multi-knowledge package and two level index to organize the base , it is easy to create , maintain , modify and query the base ;

  30. 这款图形化流程图组态仿真软件具有美观的操作界面,强大的绘图功能和图形编辑功能,提供三维图元库,使你可以设计更逼真的流程图。

    The software supplies beautiful operation interface , mighty functions of drawing and editing graphics and three-dimensional graphics library , which enable users to design more vivid flow charts .