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kù bù
  • a department under the Defense Ministry, in charge of arms and supplies
  1. 目前,本区的登娄库组在南部主要处于晚成岩阶段C期,在北部处于晚成岩阶段B期。

    Today the Denglouku Formation is situated in the late diagenetic stage C in the southern Shengping area , but in the late diagenetic stage B in the northern Shengping area .

  2. 三年半之前,在库格勒的第一部正片《弗鲁特韦尔车站》(FruitvaleStation)上映之前,史泰龙就见过库格勒。他觉得库格勒是“一个成熟的天才,一个专家”。

    He had met Mr. Coogler , who he described as " a full-fledged genius , a savant , " three and a half years ago , before Mr. Coogler 's first feature , " Fruitvale Station , " came out .

  3. 昨日,负责美国核武器库的战略司令部司令凯文•希尔顿(KevinChilton)表示,中国核能力的提高不会改变美国在核问题上的姿态。

    Yesterday , General Kevin Chilton , head of Strategic Command , which is responsible for the US nuclear arsenal , said China 's increased capability would not alter the US nuclear posture .

  4. 通过为这些电影用当地语言进行配音,Eros已经把其观众群扩展到了印度裔移民以外的人群。现在,Eros电影库中的1300部电影在全世界50个国家的电视屏幕上播映。

    Eros has expanded its audience beyond the Indian diaspora by dubbing its library of 1,300 films into local languages , to be shown on television in 50 countries across the world .

  5. 高放射性废物深地质处置库预选场址深部花岗岩的同位素地球化学

    Isotopic Geochemistry of the Deep Granite under the Pre-selected Site of Deep Geological Repositories for High-level Radioactive Waste

  6. 在系统深入地研究瀑布沟水电站库首右岸深部裂缝和深溪沟水电站坝区右岸岸坡深部裂缝的地质和岩体力学环境基础上,建立深部裂缝的力学机制类型。

    On the basis of systemically and thoroughly studying geology and environment foundation of the deep crack , this paper has established the formation mechanism of deep crack .

  7. 1945年8月15日,日本投降后,苏联占领了千岛群岛、库页岛南部和“北方四岛”,并参加了盟国对日管制委员会。

    On August 15 ~ ( th ) 1945 , the Soviet Union captured the Caxa лин, Habomai Islands , and joined the " regulatory committee against Japan " .

  8. 多媒体美术教学资源管理系统由多媒体管理子系统和多媒体美术信息资源系统两个子系统组成,而信息资源系统是由教材库和素材库两部组成。

    Multimedia art teaching resources management system by the management subsystem , and multimedia art multimedia information resources system of two subsystems , and information resources system is composed of two materials composed of libraries and library materials .

  9. BA处理对花生叶片光合速率和叶绿素含量无明显影响,它的作用在于促进库叶对~(14)C-蔗糖的吸收和~(14)C-蔗糖从库叶韧皮部的卸出。

    However , BA could not increase photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content of peanut leaf . BA play the role of promoting the uptake of sucrose in the sink leaf and the export of 14C-sucrose from phloem of sink leaf .