
  • 网络Style White
  1. 先生,吃这道菜,我给您推荐一种白葡萄酒,好吗?

    May I suggest a white wine with this dish , Sir ?

  2. 实时荧光定量PCR检测巨细胞病毒两种白细胞提取方法对比分析

    The analysis of two methods extracting lymphocyte for the cytomegalovirus detection by fluorescence quantified PCR

  3. 目的比较牛鲍式计数板、血球计数分析仪和Nageotte血细胞计数板3种白细胞计数法测定血液中微量白细胞的效果。

    Objective To compare the results of WBC counting in blood with small amount of WBC by Nageotte hemocytometry , Neubauer chamber method and automatic particulate analysis .

  4. 一种白细胞介素2基因变构体的高效表达与纯化工艺

    Efficient Expression and Purification Technique of a Mutant of Human Interleukin 2

  5. 一种白噪声环境激励下模态参数辨识方法

    A Method of Modal Parameter Identification under White Noise Excitation

  6. 急性淋巴细胞白血病是一种白血球快速增长的癌症。

    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a fast-growing cancer of the white blood cells .

  7. 鼻息肉组织中T-细胞亚群的分布及2种白细胞介素表达的初步研究

    T-lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory cytokines of interleukin-5 and interleukin-10 expression in human nasal polyp tissue

  8. 一种白噪背景下的正弦信号迭代去噪谱估计法

    An Iterative Method of Spectral Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals under the Background of white Noise

  9. 三种白腐菌及其组合菌种木质素降解酶比较研究

    Comparative studies on lignin degradation enzymes produced by three species of white-rot fungi and combination of the strains

  10. 通过实验,对13种白麦以国标目视法测定其角质率,以抗粉碎硬度指数作为其硬度。

    The pulverizing resistance index of 13 kinds of white wheat were determined as hardness of each sample .

  11. 6种白腐菌腐朽后的山杨木材和木质素官能团变化的红外光谱分析

    FTIR Analysis on Function Groups of David Poplar Wood and Lignin Degraded by 6 Species of Wood White-Rot Fungi

  12. 克罗尼卡玛尔维萨(Coronicamalvasia)是一种白葡萄酒,产自伊斯的利亚半岛,在店里颇为抢手(95库纳)。

    The Coronica malvasia , a white from the Istrian Peninsula , is a stellar choice ( 95 kunas ) .

  13. 这些研究人员发现,一种白细胞从癌的新生物中取出。一种蛋白加强了它们。

    The researchers discovered a kind of white blood cells are removed from a cancer growth . a protein strengthens them .

  14. 结果表明,受6种白腐菌腐朽后的山杨木材和木质素官能团都受到一定程度的降解,但各自的变化情况有所不同。

    Degree of graphitization Unascertained Degree Results showed the function groups of wood and lignin were all degraded in different degree .

  15. 本文首次提供了二种白豆蔻的果皮解离组织特征。

    It is the first time that the histological characteristics of peel dissociation of the above two kinds of herbs are identified .

  16. 科学家主要集中研究造血干细胞是怎样分化成不同的两种白细胞:巨噬细胞和嗜中性细胞。

    The researchers focused on how hematopoietic stem cells developed into one of two types of white blood cells : macrophages or neutrophils .

  17. 根据盐胁迫下3种白刺的生理响应,通过隶属函数对耐盐性的综合评价,结果为:西伯利亚白刺唐古特白刺齿叶白刺。

    According to the physiological responses to salt stress of the three Nitraria , as well as the comprehensive evaluation by the membership functions .

  18. 多发性骨髓癌是一种白血细胞袭击和破坏骨骼的癌症,这个普遍困扰60多岁的人群。

    Multiple myeloma is a cancer of white blood cells that attacks and destroys bone and which more commonly afflicts people in their mid-60s .

  19. 如今,他和妻子克劳迪娅拥有包括三种白索维农葡萄酒在内的六种葡萄酒,均拥有自己的商标。

    Today he and his wife , Claudia , make six wines , including three sorts of Sauvignon Blanc , under their own label .

  20. 系统采用二分树分类器实现对6种白细胞分类。对确定二分树分类器的结构、细胞特征选择和结点分类器等问题作了详细讨论;

    The system is based on binary tree classification problems of the tree building , the feature selection and the node classifier are discussed in detail .

  21. 设计出一种白噪声广义二进制序列,该信号与白噪声的特性类似,生成该信号也简单,可以被广泛地当做系统辨识的测试信号。

    The white noise generalized binary noise is proposed . This signal has the same properties as white noise . And it is easy to create .

  22. 用相关分析法分析了国外12种白肋烟主要化学指标与其感官质量的关系,并建立了相应的数学模型。

    By the method of related analysis , relations between the main chemistry index and the sense quality about 12 kinds of burley tobacco have been analyzed .

  23. 本论文主要的研究内容归纳如下几个方面:1.以白藜芦醇为母体,保留了白藜芦醇结构中的二苯乙烯结构骨架,设计合成了15种白藜芦醇的衍生物。

    The main content are as follows : Resveratrol as the raw material , keeping the stilbene backbone of resveratrol , 15 kinds of derivatives of resveratrol are synthesized .

  24. 这项研究表明,人体对结核病产生有效的免疫应答的关键,取决于维生素D转化成一种白细胞用来杀死入侵细菌的激素。

    The study shows that a successful immune response to TB depends on the conversion of vitamin D into a hormone that white blood cells use to kill the invading bacteria .

  25. 它的原产地可能是罗纳河谷地区的南部,它是在罗纳河法定产区允许种植的八种白葡萄品种之一。

    Its probable origin is the northern Rh ô ne region and it is one of eight white grape varieties allowed in the C ô tes du Rh ô ne appellation .

  26. 结果表明:两种白刺果实中均含有较为丰富的糖类、粗蛋白、氨基酸、酚类物质、矿质元素等营养物质。

    The result showed that two kinds of Nitraria contain too many nourishment materials , such as more abundant sugar , protein , amino acids , Phenolic components , mineral elements and so on .

  27. 髓过氧化物酶作为一种白细胞酶,具有介导炎性反应、调节免疫应答等多种功能,并可参与疾病的发生发展过程。

    As an important leucoprotease , myeloperoxidase ( MPO ) has many effects in mediating inflammation , regulating immune response and so on , which also takes part in the genesis and development of diseases .

  28. 针对传统的采用固定跟踪窗的红外小目标跟踪方法容易将云层边角等干扰信息纳入跟踪窗,影响目标稳定跟踪的问题,提出了一种白适应跟踪窗的算法。

    In view of the problem of traditional fixed tracking window tracking method is easy to bring the interference , such as cloud edge information into the tracking window , which impacted the robustness of target tracking , a kind of adaptive tracking window algorithm was presented .

  29. 根据GPS/DR的函数模型和随机模型,结合当前统计模型,提出了三种白适应融合方法。通过实测数据验证了本文提出的融合方法的正确性。

    According to the functional models and stochastic models of GPS / DR , the paper presents three adaptive fusion methods based on currently statistic models , testifies the validity of fusional methods by practically surveying data and resolves adaptive problem owing to the lack of observational information .

  30. 3种状态白盐面条的色泽黄度(b值)均与面粉b值呈极显著正相关,与面粉R457白度呈极显著负相关。

    The color yellowness of fresh , dried and cooked WSN showed highly significant positive correlation with flour color yellowness , and highly significant negative correlation with flour whiteness ( R457 ) .