
zhǎo zé dì dài
  • marshland;fenland
  1. 我们正在穿过某个沼泽地带。

    We were travelling through some marshland .

  2. 我穿过一片沼泽地带,来到一片长而开阔的沙地,

    I crossed wet ground and came to a long , open piece of sand ,

  3. 这所学校坐落在仅有200人的LaPitahaya社区里,这里有着很高的贫困率。居民们以在沼泽地带打鱼为生。

    His school is in La Pitahaya , a community of200 people with high levels of poverty , who live on subsistence fishing in the swamp area .

  4. 生活在沼泽地带的欧洲白颊鸟。在低洼沼地泥泞中行走的医生

    European bunting inhabiting marshy areas . doctors sloughing through swampy lowlands

  5. 生长于沼泽地带的一种多年生植物,具有剑状的叶子和带有香味的根。

    Perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots .

  6. 经常在沼泽地带活动的鹪鹩。

    A wren of the genus Cistothorus that frequents marshes .

  7. 沼泽地带一片平坦,荒凉得出奇。

    The landscape of the fens is utterly flat and strangely wild .

  8. 他们讨论过沼泽地带缩小封鸭和鹅的影响。

    They discussed the effect of dwindling wetlands on ducks and geese .

  9. 沼泽地带管沟的冻土爆破开挖方法

    Method on Exploding and Digging of Frozen Soil for Pipeline Ditch in Swamp

  10. 边远林区的人和沼泽地带的居民既无马也没有骡子。

    The backwoods folks and the swamp dwellers owned neither horses nor mules .

  11. 我们要穿过一大片沼泽地带。

    We have to cross a wide marsh .

  12. 我们不得不穿过沼泽地带,才能到达目的地。

    We had to cross the marshes in order to get to our destination .

  13. 在草地和沼泽地带捕食的鹰,捕食小的陆地动物。

    Hawks that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on small terrestrial animals .

  14. 阿尔弗雷德国王独自奔逃,急匆匆地穿过树林和沼泽地带。

    King Alfred fled alone , in great haste , through the woods and swamps .

  15. 从剑桥我们踏上了去伊利的路,这条路很快使我们走进了沼泽地带。

    From Cambridge we took the road to ely which led us immediately to the fens .

  16. 但是这些怪物可能比他更了解身边的周围这片漆黑沼泽地带的地形。

    But these monsters probably knew the dark fen that surrounded them better than he did .

  17. 我喜欢我的空气近似热带沼泽地带的空气那样又暖又潮湿。

    I like my air just as moist and warm as that in a tropical swap .

  18. 生长与北美东部的沼泽地带,有矛尖形的线形叶和白色的小花。

    Bellflower common in marshes of eastern North America having lanceolate linear leaves and small whitish flowers .

  19. 沼泽地带的地基处理

    The foundation in the marsh

  20. 相对较小的茶棕色鹭,夜间活动、叫声轰然作响;常见于沼泽地带。

    Relatively small compact tawny-brown heron with nocturnal habits and a booming cry ; found in marshes .

  21. 研究人员研究了生活在红树林沼泽地带的水母,他们发现水母的眼睛总是盯着树冠。

    The studied jellies live in mangrove swamps and the studied eyes are always aimed at the tree canopy .

  22. 这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去了。工程师们把公路延长通过沼泽地带。

    The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter . The engineers carried the highway across the marshland .

  23. 野生黑熊主要生活在北美东部的森林沼泽地带,以及西部的森林和树木繁茂的山区。

    In the wild , black bears live primarily in eastern forests , swamps , and western forests and wooded mountains .

  24. 美国东南的一种在根部有膨胀树干的线杉;常见于海岸沼泽地带和洪水泛滥后的河底。

    Common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base ; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms .

  25. 教授:好的,今天我们继续前面关于北美地区海碱沼泽地带的植物的讨论。

    Professor : Ok , today we are going to continue our discussion of plant life in coastal salt marshes of North America .

  26. 文中总结了土工布在辽河油田沼泽地带使用时路面厚度的计算、施工工艺及工程效果。

    The article summarizes the calculation of thickness of road surface , construction technique and engineering effect in application of Geo-textile in swampy region in Liaohe Oilfield .

  27. 花穗状、白色、芳香,茎直、多叶;生长于北美西部和北部潮湿的沼泽地带。

    Orchid with spikes of many fragrant white flowers on erect leafy stems ; of wet or boggy ground through most of the West and northern North America .

  28. 他们生活在森林里,树木繁多的山坡上,及东亚和南亚的沼泽地带,在这些地方他们吃鹿、野牛、羚羊及其它小个动物。

    They are found in forests , wooded hillsides , and swamps of eastern and southern Asia where they live on deer , wild cattle , antelopes and small animals .

  29. 我穿过一片沼泽地带,来到一片长而开阔的沙地,然后到了沙地附近一片树高叶茂的地方。

    I crossed wet ground and came to a long , open piece of sand , then went on to a place where the trees had branches that were thick and close to the sand .

  30. 很多沼泽地带的阿拉伯人,几千年来他们一直生活漂浮在这片稀有的水域上的不够牢固的家中。如今由于栖息地的消失他们被迫背井离乡。

    Many of the Marsh Arabs , who have lived on their fragile , near-floating homes in this rare water world for millennia , have now been forced to flee as a result of the collapse of their habitat .