
  • 网络breeding sheep;tupping ram;studsheep
  1. 试验结果表明,用冷冻胚胎移植繁殖种羊可行。

    The experiment results proved that using frozen embryo transfer for breeding sheep reproduction is feasible .

  2. F1各年龄阶段体重与土种羊相比,提高效果极显著(P<0.01);

    Body weight at every age of F j is extremely significantly larger man that of indigenous sheep ( P < 0.0 1 ) .

  3. 饲喂脱毒蓖麻粕对种羊精液品质有影响,添加10%、15%脱毒蓖麻粕组精子活率、精子密度、精子畸形率与对照组相比差异显著(P0.01)。

    10 % , 15 % DCBM when were supplemented , sperm motility , density and abnormal sperm rate were significant than that in control group ( PO . Ol ) .

  4. 以VisualProlog和Delphi等为开发工具,建立羊病诊断与防治专家系统,将290余种羊病的症状、诊断、防治知识按照产生式规则的结构组织成为知识库;

    This study , a computer diagnosis , prevention and treatment expert system is established by adoption Visual Prolog & Delphi etc. The symptom , diagnosis , prevention and treatment over 290 sheep and goat diseases have been entered into the knowledge base .

  5. 应用MOET技术对湖北省波尔山羊种羊场的提供的供体波尔山羊分两批进行超数排卵、人工授精、手术取胚处理。

    Treatments of super-ovulation , artificial insemination , surgical embryo-collection were applied in two batches to the donor Boer goats in Hubei Boer Goat Farm .

  6. 山东地区舍饲小尾寒羊种羊场优化设计

    Optimized Design of Small Tail Sheep Breeding Farm in ShanDong Province

  7. 天祝种羊场产羔母羊舍卫生评定

    The Sanitation Assessment of Dropping Ewe Barns in Tianzhu Sheep Stud

  8. 山西雁门关生态畜牧经济区良种肉用种羊舍的设计研究

    Study of the Design for Shanxi Youyu Breed Sheep House

  9. 有一种羊极为耐寒。

    This is a particularly hardy breed of sheep .

  10. 萨福克肉用种羊性状线性相关与回归分析

    Analysis on Correlations and Regression of Suffolk Mutton Buck

  11. 萨福克、陶赛特肉用种羊非繁殖季节诱导发情的研究

    A Test of Estrus Inducted in Non-breeding Season Suffolk and Poll Dorset Ewes

  12. 内蒙古地区德国美利奴肉用种羊抗奥斯特线虫感染的调查研究

    Studies on Ability of Anti-infection for Ostertagia in German Mutton Merino in Inner Mongolia

  13. 青山乡种羊场白绒山羊体尺、体重、产绒量分析

    Analysis on Body Size . Body Size . Body Weight and Cashmere Yieldof White Cashmere Goat

  14. 甘肃省山丹县种羊场放牧绵羊体内的矿物元素检测

    Measurement of mineral elements in grazing ewes on Shandan county breeding sheep farm in Gansu Province

  15. 1994~1997年分别在镇南种羊场宝山分场和白城市牧草良种繁育站等地进行了优质细毛羊胚胎移植技术研究。

    From 1994 to 1997 , Sheep embryo transplant technigue was conducted in different livestock breeding station .

  16. 本文研究了乌鲁木齐南山种羊场春秋放牧场灌木砍伐后,建立半人工草地的效果。

    The result of establishing a semi-artificial grassland after shrubs were clear cutting is researched in this paper .

  17. 对204只萨福克肉用种羊的资料进行了相关与回归分析。

    Dates of 204 heads of Suffolk Mutton Buck were analysised by the methods of correlations and regressions .

  18. 安全性种羊预混料对公羊精液品质及母羊妊娠、哺乳期生产性能的影响

    Effects of Security Premix on semen Quality of Ram and Production Performance of pregnant Ewe and nursing Ewe

  19. 威尔特羊原产于英格兰的一种羊,特点是头长、角螺旋形。

    A white sheep of a breed originating in england , characterized by a long head with spiraling horns .

  20. 刀郎羊的培育者们说一般几个家庭会凑钱买一头种羊,然后租出去配种。

    Dolan breeders said that several families often clubbed together to buy a single sheep as an investment and then charge for its breeding rights .

  21. 云南省种羊场全体职工真诚期待您来参观、学习、选购种畜!

    All staff of the Yunnan Sheep & Goat Breeding Farm welcome your coming sincerely , either visit or select and purchase the breeding stock !

  22. 引进肉用种羊和蒙古羊种间抗病性的比较研究&不同品种羊甲状腺激素、硒、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶关系的研究

    Comparative Studies on Disease Resistivity between Imported Mutton Breeds and Mongolian Sheep & Investigation into the Relationship among Thyroid Hormone , Selenium and Glutathione Peroxidase in Different Breeds of Sheep

  23. 本试验在甘肃天祝种羊场两幢产羔母羊舍(新舍与旧舍),进行了为期四个月(11&2月)的观测。

    A sanitation study of two dropping ewe barns , a new one and a old one , was conducted for four months in winter ( from November-February ) in Tianzhu sheep stud .

  24. 笔者建议在襄樊市波尔山羊利用推广中要充分发挥现有波尔山羊种羊的作用,注重地区平衡;

    So it is advised that in the utilization and popularization of Boer goat , Xiangfan should fully give play to the role of existing breeding goat and pay attention to area balance ;

  25. 1990~1992年对北京市房山区蒲洼乡绒山羊种羊场引入的辽宁绒山羊成母羊进行三个年度24个月份的放牧日采食量测定,研究其月际间动态规律。

    The ewes of Liaoning cashmere goats were introduced into Pu-wa goat Ranch , Fang-Shan county , Beijing , during a period of 24 months in 1990 ~ 1992 for the study of intake .

  26. 基于近年来大量引进种羊和肉羊生产中的良种化问题,讨论了肉羊良种繁育体系建设模式;

    Based on the problems existed in the introduction of breeds and extension of superior breeds of meat sheep in recent years , the model of breeding and reproduction system of superior breeds is discussed ;

  27. 优化分析表明,现行育种方案在群体规模、育种核心群比例、留种公羊、种羊使用年限方面尚未处于最佳状态,仍有很大改进余地。

    Optimizing analysis show that the breeding scheme does not come to best efficiency in population size , proportion of breeding flock , useful life of ram and ewe , and have good space to improve .

  28. 近儿年在新疆石河子地区数个湖羊种羊场先后爆发疑似绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎的疾病,发病率和死亡率较高,造成了巨大的经济损失。

    In recent years , respiratory disease which like contagious ovine pleuropneumonia successively broke out in several breeding Hu sheep farms in Shihezi of Xinjiang , with high incidence and death rate , and induced great economical Ioss .

  29. 根据云南省种羊场人工草地绵羊系统19901999年的优化度进行全面综合的评价和分析,找出系统存在的问题并提出改进建议。

    Comprehensive and synthetical evaluation and analysis based on optimized rate of sown pasture sheep systems for 1990 ~ 1999 on Yunnan Sheep Breeding Farm , subsistent troubles were found and ameliorated suggestions were brought forward for systems .

  30. 在我国首次成功的将安拉山哥羊和吐奇代绵羊胚胎移植给土种羊,使两种羊的产羔率分别提高了2.38倍和1.1倍。

    The embryoes of Angora goat and Dorset sheep were initiated by implanting to native goats in China . This technique has made the lambing ratio of these goat and sheep being increased 2.38 and 1,1 times respectively .